Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Snow Shoeing And Leg Day

It snowed yesterday. First real snow of the season, and I am so excited. Snow = Snow Shoeing, which is absolutely my favorite winter activity. I didn't have many opportunities to go last winter, so I am hoping for lots of snow this year!

Yesterday, I took Moon Dog and the kids for a walk in the field behind our house. We won't have use of the Rail Trail all winter, so this will probably become a regular thing. It had just started snowing, so we just went in our boots. Moon Dog is probably more excited about the snow than the kids are. He was so happy diving head first into it. So cute.

The kids and I also did a TKD circuit workout. We're all missing TKD this week due to the school vacation, so we decided to practice on our own. It was a lot of fun and a good workout. The kids don't mess around!

This morning I broke out the snow shoes and went for a 20 minute walk around the field. The snow wasn't super deep, but I was still glad I had my snow shoes on. I am definitely out of practice. My hip flexors were burning. It'll probably take a couple more tries before that gets better. I really enjoyed being out there, even with the burning muscles. I love exercising in the cold.

I also completed W1/D2 of the lifting program. Leg day! I always love a good leg day, and this one was a good one. Medium weight and only four exercises, but I got close to failure on every single exercise. Exactly what I want to do right now.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 1 - Again

New week. New start.

I'm starting up a lifting plan. I've used this plan before and loved it. Each session lasts about 35 minutes and consists of four exercises. I'm not going to list any details here because it's not my plan, but it is effective. I really enjoyed W1/Day 1, and I am looking forward to consistent lifting.

I like using a plan designed by someone else. I like being told what to do each day and just doing it. It provides consistency. Something I definitely need. I'll be throwing in other workouts, too. Running, Taekwondo, and Yoga. I need to keep trying.

Today, I walked on the treadmill and changed up the incline. It was a good half hour. I'm not feeling great today, so that was enough.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lifting Is Happiness

It's been a week since I posted. A long, emotional week. I've been focused on kindness, gratitude, and love. The world needs more of it, and I'm really trying to stay positive. I'm still not feeling great, but I'm trying not to think about it. It is what it is and thinking about it just makes me feel worse.

I'm accepting my limitations and doing what I can. My main goal right now is to stay active. Last week was rough. I had several days of just walking with the Moon Dog. I have been on an exercise streak since Saturday, so things are going better.

Saturday's workout:

single leg dead lifts 15#db  8reps/side x2
standing rows w/ exercise band 15 reps x2

biceps curls/ overhead press 15#db  8 reps x2
standing chest press w/ band 15 reps x2

overhead triceps extension 15#db  15 reps x2
standing chest fly w/ band 15 reps x2

hammer curls/lateral raises 5#db 15 reps x2
triangle push ups 10 reps x2

Sunday's workouts

superman lifts 1:00 minute x2
1 arm push ups on floor 5 regular/5 modified per side  x2

plank (high/forearm) 1:00  x2
swimming 1:00  x2

twisting supermans 1:00  x2
serratus sway 1:00  x2

double bicycles 1:00  x2
serratus twists 1:00  x2

*Plus a Run/walk with the Artists (aka my favorite running buddy) 2 miles

Monday's workouts

I did a longer walk with the Moon Dog yesterday. It was a gorgeous day, and it was nice to clear my head on a very stressful day.
I also had TKD last night. I have to admit, I wasn't feeling it before class. I was tired and stressed out and not feeling very good. Getting out the door was a struggle, but I made myself go. I hate missing class, and I knew I would feel better if I went. It ended up being really great. The whole class was on nunchucks, and it was so fun. I felt 1000 times better after class.

Tuesday's workout

squats 115# 8 reps
alternating turning kicks 40 reps
squats 135# 8 reps
back kicks 10 reps/side

plie squats 115# 8 reps
hook kicks 10 reps/side
plie squats 135# 8 reps
360 hook kicks 12 reps/side (right side was okay but left was a struggle - did not go well)

lunges 115# 6 reps/side
side kicks 10 reps/side
lunges 135# 8 reps/side
punches 100 reps

Won Hyo x6

I love lifting. It makes me feel strong even when I struggle, and it makes me happy. I'm definitely focusing on what makes me happy right now, so lifting is a big part of the plan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Focus On The Good

Yesterday was a bust. I had the appointment I've been waiting 5 months for, and there was no progress. She couldn't see my parathyroid with the ultrasound, so I had to redo my blood work. If my levels are still high, they'll do a different test. To say I am frustrated is a huge understatement. I've been hoping for a quick fix. I should have known better. There's never a quick fix. I'm just sick of waiting.

My labs came back this morning, and (surprise, surprise) my calcium levels are higher than before. Fingers crossed I don't have to wait for months for the next step.

I was not in a great place yesterday, but there were two highlights. I'm trying to focus on the good. The first good thing was I got another review on my last book, and it was a positive one. Yay!

The second one was TKD. I didn't feel great during the warm-up, but the rest of it went pretty well. I can feel the benefits from practicing on my own. I felt stronger. There were definitely things that I need to work on. There always are, but overall I felt pretty good. Plus, I got to chat with Michelle after and vent some frustration.

So, my setback actually helped snap me out of the funk I've been in. I let negative thinking take over for a while. Knowing that I have to wait and deal with this thing helped me accept it. I'm feeling a lot more determined to push through. I'm going to keep taking calcium/Vitamin D, drinking lots of water, and lift. Got to keep my bones strong.

Tuesday's workout:

Squats - body weight 25 reps x2
Squats 115#  8 reps x2

Plie squats - body weight 15 reps x2
Plie squats 115#  10 reps x2

Calf raises - body weight  20 reps x2
Calf raises 115#  12 reps x2

Push-ups level 1  25 reps
1 arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side

Push-ups level 2  15 reps
1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side

Push-ups level 3  15 reps
1 arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side

This workout was tough. I definitely struggled, but I got through it. My first set was almost the end of the workout. After my first set of squats, I got a cramp in my hamstring. I took some time and stretched until it let go. I really wanted to finish the workout.

I had planned to do dead lifts, but with my sore hamstring I decided to do push-ups instead. Again, I struggled more than usual, but I'm glad I did it.

My hamstring is still pretty sore, so I'm going to do some yoga later. I need a good stretch.

I'm not feeling great, but at least I got it done. One day at a time.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Walking and Accepting

Lots of walking this weekend. Yesterday, I felt pretty bad, but I had made a promise to the Artist that I would run with him. I want to keep supporting his new love of running, so I sucked it up and went. We walked a little. We did some longer sections of slower running as well as some shorter sprints. I felt awful after each one, but I didn't let on. He was thrilled and had so much fun. I love running with him.

Today, I went for a long walk with my awesome friend, Michelle. It was nice to have someone to talk to about what I mess I have been lately and laugh. We always have so much fun on our walks. Certain people make me happier just being around them, and she is definitely one of them.

We did about 5.5 miles. I was achy when I was done, but I still managed to do another mile with the Moon Dog when I got home. It may not feel great to exercise right now, but emotionally it is necessary. I can't stand not being active.

I'm really trying to slow down and accept that this is what I can do right now. It's frustrating, but I know it's necessary. I've been doing too much for too long. My body's finally making me slow down. I need to listen.

Friday, November 4, 2016

A Better Day

This week has been rough. I haven't been posting because I try to keep my blog positive, and lately I've felt like I've been taken over by an exhausted, angry stranger. Physically, I have not been feel good. If I'm being honest, I haven't felt this bad since I was at my heaviest and smoking, and even then I could do more than I can lately. I feel like crap. Which means I haven't been exercising. Which means I'm not feeling good emotionally either.

My appointment with the endocrinologist is next week, and I am hoping for answers and less of a wait before the next step. I want this fixed as soon as possible. I hate feeling like this, but I'm trying to stay positive. As I've been reminded by several well-meaning people, I am lucky that it's fixable. I know I'm lucky. I know it could be much worse. Knowing that doesn't make it easier when I feel terrible and am too exhausted to do simple, everyday tasks. It doesn't keep me from feeling incredibly frustrated and embarrassed. I miss feeling energetic.

I'm nervous about my appointment and have been unsuccessfully trying to not focus on it. I've been struggling to relax. I store my stress in my shoulders and had a tension headache that lasted 6 days. Wednesday helped a lot. Andy got us tickets to see Rent, and we had a great night out. The show was amazing, and it was exactly what I needed. I also got to spend time with my mom who came up to watch the kids. It was nice to be able to talk about everything with her.

I'm feeling slightly better today and more positive. Whenever I feel a little better, I make sure to get in a workout because some days I feel too exhausted to move. I'm grateful for the Moon Dog because he makes sure I get out and at least walk every day. I can't let down my pooch.

Today's workout was pretty good (for where I'm at now). I didn't do as much as I used to be able to, and I moved slow. Still, something is better than nothing.

Friday's workout:

Won Hyo x6
incline push-ups 25 reps x2
chamber holds 30 sec./side x2

Chun Gi/ Dan Gun x2
1 arm incline push-ups 10 reps/side x2
side kicks 10 reps/side w/brief hold while extended x2

Do San/Won Hyo x2
incline push-ups 25 reps x2
hook kicks (with dropping knee) 10 reps/side x2

Won Hyo x6
modified 1 arm push-ups (flat) 10 reps/side x2
side kick/hook kick (without dropping) 10 reps/side x2

It was a good workout. Tougher than it should have been, but it was good. I sweated and felt better after I was done. Moon Dog and I also went for a longer walk than usual this morning, so I've got some endorphins going today.

It's a good day.

Monday, October 31, 2016


This is something I really struggle to accept. My weaknesses are not something I am proud of. They don't make me feel confident. Or strong. I really hate feeling weak.

But, I've got to deal with it. This thing with my parathyroid has made me weaker than I've been in years. It's sapped all of my energy. My bones, joints, and muscles ache. It kept me up last night, so I'm feeling pretty burnt out today.

I still did get in a walk with the Moon Dog and a short workout.

Monday's Halloween workout:

knee tucks 25 reps x2
exercise ball push-ups 25 reps x2

alternating tucks 10 reps/side x2
1-arm ball push-ups 6 reps/side x2

chest press w/ exercise band 15 reps x2
inner thigh squeezes w/ ball 50 reps x2

chest fly w/ exercise band 15 reps x2
standing band rows 25 reps x2

ball hyperextensions 20 reps x2
arm pulses w/ the ball 30 reps x2

It's not much, but it was a struggle. I hate that feeling. Still, better than nothing.

I'm a week away from my appointment with the endocrinologist. I really hope I get some answers and can move onto the next step. I'm so tired of feeling weak.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Little Runner

I have created a running monster. The Artist may become Little Runner. The boy is completely hooked. On Saturday, we braved the pouring rain and ran the Glow Run 5k.

I have a new reason to work on my running. The boy is fast. He took off, and there was no way I was catching him. My shins were on fire, and my legs were stiff from my morning run. Normally, I wouldn't mind him ditching me, but it was dark, pouring rain, and the course wasn't closed. He ran the first mile without stopping, but then he waited for me. We ran most of the course. It had been steadily raining the whole time, and it picked up when we were almost done. We ran about 2.7 miles.

It was a blast. We were cold and soaked, but we had a lot of fun. The Artist was ecstatic. He kept saying it was the best race ever. He wanted to do more running. He started talking about training for the Milk Run (a 10k in June). I am so thrilled that he loves running. Now, I've got to get in better shape, so we can run it together.

He started his training this morning. He asked me to get him up early, and he hopped on the treadmill. He did 15 minutes before getting ready for school. He was so proud. I am, too.

The Glow Run kind of wrecked me. My PF is back. I'm working on making it better, but it's still pretty painful. Sunday was an active rest day. I was on my feet for most of the day (ouch), but I didn't get in a workout.

On Monday, the kids and husband had a day off from school. It was a relaxing day. We were not very active for most of it, so we decided to do a family workout. Everyone got to pick 3 exercises, and we all got to go twice. It was fun and ended up being a pretty good workout.

Today, I broke my workout up into a few shorter workouts.

Tuesday's workouts:

20 min. speed intervals on the treadmill - my feet hurt after. I did some stretching, which helped a little.

Lift - lower body
squats 135#  5 reps x2
calf raises  135#  10 reps x2
Won Ho x2

plie squats 135# 6 reps x2
one leg lunges 8 reps/side x2
Won Hyo x2

Yoga x2
15 minutes - post treadmill workout
10 minutes - post lifting

10 minutes

It all adds up. Every little bit counts.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Two Run Saturday

Yesterday and today have been completely different. Yesterday, I was not feeling great. Low energy, no motivation, stressed. I did manage to get in a short workout.

Friday's workout:

360 hook kicks
straight leg stretch kicks 10 reps/side
chamber hold, hold side kick, chamber, hold back kick, chamber 10 sec hold/each  x2

barbell shoulder press 45#  10 reps x2
barbell row 45#  15 reps x2
overhead triceps extension 15#  15 reps x2

t-bar row 35# 12 reps x2
1 arm bar toss 35#  10 reps/side x2
skull crushers 15#  15 reps x2

Not much, but better than nothing.

Today is off to a great start. I drank a lot of water yesterday and felt much better today. I was excited to run, and I decided to challenge myself. It was cold and raining, but I was still excited to go. I chose one of my favorite routes. I decided to leave the music and audio books at home and just run with my thoughts. An hour of peace was incredible.

It was a challenging run. Lots of hills. I was also running into a headwind, and the first two miles were painful. My shins ached so much that I had to stop and stretch a few times. My hip flexors, quads, and shins were tight bands of pain. Stretching helped, and the pain eventually went away.

I made sure to stretch when I was done. I've got to stay loose. I'm breaking my long run into two shorter runs today. This morning I did 3.75 miles. Tonight, the Artist and I are running in a local Glow Run 5k. He's super excited, and so am I. I love it when we run together. He's a great running buddy. Add in that we're running at night and covered in glow sticks, and it's going to be a blast.

The two runs together will be almost 7 miles. Perfect. My running goal this week will be complete. One step closer.


I love Vermont.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Short Run #2 - On Track!

Today was a much better day. I drank a bunch of water yesterday, so I didn't feel quite so fatigued or nauseous this morning. I took the Moon Dog for a walk and then went for a run/walk with my fabulous friend, Tracy. I really appreciated that she let me set our pace because as always now, my heart rate skyrocketed as soon as we started running. We did 1 min intervals and almost 3 miles. It was a beautiful morning for a run.

So, I am still on track for this week. Today was my second scheduled short run. It was nice to run with someone. I've been running solo because I hate feeling like I'm slowing people down. I like running alone, but it's also nice to have someone to talk to once in a while. I'm hoping to start her boot camp classes next week. I've been putting it off mostly because I've been exhausted, but if I am completely honest, I've also been nervous about going back - and embarrassed. I haven't been to a boot camp class since I was in shape, and I am embarrassed about how much I have let myself go. Still, the only way to get back into shape is to challenge myself. I plan on being there on Monday morning. I'll do what I can until I can do more.

Yesterday, I did end up doing a yoga workout. It was extremely necessary. My muscles have been painfully tight, and I know if I don't stretch regularly I will end up getting hurt. I'm aiming for one or two long yoga sessions every week as well as a minimum of 10 minutes of stretching most days.

I also threw in a quick push-up/TKD workout yesterday because I felt like stress-eating. It was enough to stop my cravings and make me feel calmer.

Wednesday's second workout:

push-ups level 1  10 reps
1 arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side
Won Hyo x2

push-ups level 2  10 reps
1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side
Won Hyo x2

push-ups level 3  10 reps
1 arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side
Won Hyo x2

I still need to stretch this evening, but I'm feeling good today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Every Small Step

Home today with a sick kiddo. Snuggles and rest all day. Exactly what I need. Today is not a good day. I'm feeling nauseous and completely wiped out. I cannot wait to get this parathyroid thing fixed. I'm tired of feeling sick and tired.

I'm still recovering from show week. The performances were amazing. It was one of the best things I've worked on, and I was lucky enough to have an amazing group of actors to work with. Such a fun experience, but I didn't sleep much for the last week. I'm trying to get caught up, but this month is crazy. I'm slowly starting to feel like myself again.

I've been trying to stay on track with my workouts. This is week 1 of my base-building for the marathon. During show week I did what I could and ate what I wanted. Now, I am following a training plan and keeping my food choices healthy (mostly). I'm tracking my measurements, since it tends to be more positive than tracking weight loss. I'm feeling okay - minus the fatigue and nausea today.

Monday's workout was TKD class. It was a rough one. I was having a supremely bad day and not feeling super focused. I jammed my thumb about halfway through class. It swelled until I couldn't bend it, and it was really painful. Even with my newest injury, class was good. I felt much better afterward. It's such a great stress reliever. I'm going to have to miss it for two weeks (no class next week and then Halloween), and I am not looking forward to it. I'll have to practice on my own, but it's not the same as class.

Tuesday was a run day. I am trying to focus on the fact that I am starting over. Anything is better than nothing, and it will be a long, slow process to get where I need to be. I have time. I need to be patient. Not one of my strengths. I am very patient with others. With myself, not so much. Yesterday, I felt kind of ill. Not as bad as this morning but not great. It took a lot to motivate myself to do it. It was a gorgeous, sunny day, but I just didn't want to go. So, I finally got myself on the treadmill. I did intervals - 5 minute walk / 5 minute run - for 45 minutes. It was a slow, easy run. I could have done more, but I accepted that it was enough. Consistency is what matters now. 2-3 short, easy runs (or speed work) during the week and one long run on the weekend. That's the goal right now. It will get easier over time.

Today, I probably won't get much done. Between taking care of my boy, not feeling well myself, and needing to clean the whole house, I don't think I'll have much energy left for anything else. I'm hoping for a short lifting session or some yoga. My muscles are tight, and my PF has come back. Stretching and rest seem like the best choices right now.

On track for now. Every day is a step in the right direction.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Next Chapter

Letting go can be difficult, but it's necessary. If you never let anything go, eventually you have too much.

That's where I'm at right now. I have accumulated too much. I take on too many projects and feel like I can't let go of any of the past projects. I feel like I'm letting people down, but something has to change. Things have been too busy. I want time with my family. I want time to work on new projects. I want to take care of myself.

So, I'm letting go of something that is no longer fulfilling. It will free up my evenings and give me more time with my family. It will reduce my stress and give me time to work on new endeavors. I'm not going to feel guilty about it. I'm taking care of myself and making room for new experiences. And, I'm going to have more time to be a good mom. That's what matters most.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hell Week Workouts

I'm at the end of Hell Week - for non-theatre people, it's the week leading up to the show. I'm exhausted. I've had a tension headache for four days, I've been making poor eating choices, and not sleeping enough. And yet, it is my favorite part of working on a show. I love watching it all come together.

It hasn't left much time for exercise. Sunday, I walked with my super-awesome friend, Michelle. We got to chat and got in a 4 mile walk. On Monday, I managed to make it to TKD. This has become a priority for me, and I really didn't want to miss class. I'm really glad I went. It's such a stress-reducer. Tuesday, I was not feeling motivated, but I did a good workout, anyway. I was feeling ill, dehydrated, and exhausted, but I got through it.

Tuesday's Workout:

squats 135# 6 reps x2
one leg jumps (foot on bench) 15 reps x2
Won Hyo x4

plie squats 135# 8 reps x2
one arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side x2
Chun Gi, Dan Gun, Do San

punches 100 reps x2
reverse crunches on incline bench 10 reps x2
dead lifts 115# 6reps x2
Won Hyo x4

side db crunch 15#  10 reps/side
alternating lunge/front kicks 16 reps x2

Other than walking, I haven't done much for the last couple days. I'm hoping to get up and do a workout tomorrow morning, but if not, I'm not worried. I think sleep could be even more beneficial right now.

I've made a training plan for Phase 1 of my marathon training, and it starts Monday. I've planned out my workouts for the first two weeks, and I am ready to start taking care of myself again. This week has kicked my butt. Right now I am focused on being consistent and building a running base. When I get closer to the race, I will start a marathon training plan. I found one from Runner's World that looks good. It's a 16-week plan and seems like it will work with my life.

But, first, I've got to get through the shows. So excited!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Goals 1, 2, 3

I've been thinking a lot about my goals lately. I have enjoyed some time doing whatever I want, but it's time for a new goal. I always do better when I am training for something.

Goal #1
My main goal is to improve at TKD. I enjoy it more than any other workouts (except lifting), and I want to do well at the tournaments this year. The first one isn't until March, but I want to be in much better shape by then. I'm trying to work on the areas that need the most improvement and have also started working on my break. I've got a plan, and I'm going to push myself.

Goal #2
Am I completely crazy? Lately, I've been considering something I wasn't sure I would ever do again. I've decided to do another marathon. It seems a little insane. I haven't been running a lot, and I haven't done anything over four miles. But, I found a marathon I really want to do. It's a year away - plenty of time to build a base and train.

The thing is, I have never trained properly for a distance run. Knowing what I know now, I'm kind of amazed I even completed my first marathon. I like the idea of training properly and seeing what I am capable of. I'll be interested to see how it compares to my first one. My daughter asked me what my goal was for the marathon. She was asking about speed/time, but I told her my goals are different. I want to train for it the right way and finish the race. I also want to continue running when it's over. The last one was so emotionally crushing that I stopped running for a long time. A short run within two weeks of completing my marathon would be a major success.

I jumped into the last marathon without thinking about it beforehand. This time, I gave it a lot of consideration. It's a major time commitment that affects more than just me, so I discussed it with my family. The kids support me 100%. They're excited about it and have been asking a lot of questions. Andy thinks I'm crazy and reminded me about my last race experience. He was concerned it would be the same as last time. I was considering the same race as last time when I first brought it up, and he didn't think it was a good idea. He was much more supportive when I told him about the one I found. It has a longer cut-off time and is in one of our favorite areas of Maine. He's officially on board and very supportive. I'm so glad because I really couldn't do it without his support.

Goal #3
This one is a short-term goal. My fabulously awesome friend, Tracy, is starting a new six-week boot camp, and I think I need to sign up. I've been struggling with getting up early and getting in a workout. I've been struggling with cardio. This would be a perfect jump start to marathon training. I'm nervous because I've been getting really dizzy whenever I start to exercise, but I'm going to go and see what I can do. Her training style would be beneficial to both goal 1 & 2. I start on Wednesday. Fingers crossed that it goes well.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Leaf Peep And Run

The last two days were a bust. I woke up feeling completely run down and fatigued. While it is nice to know what causes it, it still makes for a rough day.

Today, I woke up feeling a little better. It's a gorgeous fall day. The leaves are turning, and it is sunny and warm. I wanted to go for a run. I was not feeling motivated, but I knew I needed to take advantage of this weather. I'll be running through snow soon enough.

I finally got myself out and running around 11am. Later than I was hoping, but I have to fit it in when I can. I decided to do an old favorite route, which involves a mile-long steep hill. It was a tough run. I did walk a little, but I tried to keep the walking parts short. I ran big chunks of the hill. It was not easy, but I got it done. I ran just under four miles. Not fast, but I did it. That's the first step to one of my long-term goals. (More on that later)

This makes it all worth it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Super Sore And It's Leg Day

I woke up super sore this morning. TKD was tough last night. I got really dizzy during warm-ups, and it took a while for it to go away. I did okay during class, but I've added to my list of things to work on.

My feet were really sore this morning. I think it's plantar fasciitis coming back. I see lots of yoga and frozen bottles of water in my future.

Walking Moon Dog this morning helped loosen me up a little, so I was able to get in a lower body/arms workout. I didn't lift as heavy as usual. I kicked something wrong last night, and my ankle and big toe hurt this morning. I didn't want to put too much pressure on it.

Tuesday's workout:

squats 135#  6 reps x2
preacher curls 25#  12 reps x2

plie squats 135#  6 reps x2
calf raises 135#  10 reps x2

alternating lunges 45#  16 reps x2
barbell shoulder press 45#  10 reps x2

curtsey R/L  10 reps/side x2
triceps dips 10 reps x2

1 arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side
practice 360 hook kick x5

1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side
practice 360 hook kick x5

1 arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side
practice 360 hook kick x5

Won Hyo x3

It was a good workout. My legs actually feel better. I'm planning on doing some yoga before bed. I definitely need a good stretch.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Short Run Sunday and Goals For The Week

Another busy week coming up. Yesterday was supposed to be a long run day, but I slept in and didn't have time for anything long. I took the Moon Dog for a run. It went much better than last time. He was focused and excited to run. We did just over a mile of intervals. He really makes me push my pace.

I still wanted to get in a run, so I went for a quick 2 miler. I ran up the hill next to my house (1 mile) and back down. I stopped at the top to admire the view.

Even on an overcast day, the view is amazing. I live in a beautiful place.

I stretched for about 20 minutes when I got back. I have not been doing well with stretching, and I'm starting to feel it in my feet. One of my goals for the week is to stretch daily.

Water consumption is my other goal. I have not been drinking enough, and I am not feeling great. I need to stay focused on hydration.

This week (really this whole month) is ridiculously busy. I have to be happy with whatever workout I can fit in. Today's is a perfect example. Short, but better than nothing.

Monday's workout:

Won Hyo x7

push-ups level 1  25 reps
modified 1-arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side

push-ups level 2  20 reps
modified 1-arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side

push-up level 3  20 reps
modified 1-arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side

Today, I also have TKD, so I didn't want to do too much. I'm looking forward to class. It's one of the best parts of my week.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's A Busy Life, But I'm Enjoying It

It's been a long week. I haven't been able to post for the last few days, but I have managed to make time for some workouts. Priorities.

Wednesday was a super busy day. I knew it was going to be and got up early to get in a quick workout. 

Wednesday's workout:

Push-ups level 1  15 reps x2
alternating biceps curls 15#  6 reps/side x2

modified 1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side x2
barbell shoulder press 45#  10 reps x2

push-ups level 3  15 reps x2
overhead triceps extensions 15#  12 reps x2

Short workout, but better than nothing!

Thursday ended up being a rest day. I took the Moon Dog for a walk, but that was all I did. I had a good reason. I was finishing a revision of my next book. I've been working on it since June, and it was so nice to finally finish it. Good excuse for a rest day.

I needed to rest. My stress level is increasing, and I have not been doing very well with my H2O intake. I'm definitely not feeling my best. Sleep and water are the things I need the most right now. These are my main goals going into next week. I know I'll feel better. Feeling better = more energy = getting more work done. 

Yesterday, I attempted a second run with the Moon Dog. This one was - less successful. There were a lot of new smells that needed to be sniffed, and I couldn't get him to focus. We walked a majority of it. Still, better than nothing. I'm taking baby steps with running. I've always jumped into it and done too much too soon. I then burn out or get injured. I'm trying to focus on small, attainable goals that will develop into habits. Change takes time.

I wanted to get in more of a workout yesterday, so I decided to do some HIIT. It was mostly lower body, push-ups, and TKD. By the end I was a sweaty mess, so something was working. I also ran through my pattern between sets. I love that no matter how much I work at it, there is always something new to focus on. Patterns are never perfect. Honestly, there are days when this also drives me crazy and frustrates me, but lately, I've really enjoyed working on small parts of it and trying to make it better. It helps that I'm seeing some progress. 

Friday's workout:

1 minute work / 30 seconds rest - all sets done x2

side kicks R (no dropping knee)
side kicks L (no dropping knee)
push-ups level 1

alternating lunges
modified 1 arm push-ups level 1 R
modified 1 arm push-ups level 1 L
squat / side leg lift (alternating)

hook kicks (no dropping knee) R
hook kicks (no dropping knee) L
plies / calf raises
push-ups level 2

modified 1 arm push-ups level 2 R
modified 1 arm push-ups level 2 L
standing cross crunches R
standing cross crunches L

Won Hyo x 4

Today has been another rest day. The kids had a soccer game this morning. I love watching them play. It reminds me of when I played and how much fun it was. I'm glad they're enjoying it. They almost didn't sign up this year, and I am so glad they did. Soccer is one of the best parts of fall!

We spent the rest of the day with my parents. We went apple-picking (another fall favorite) and went out to lunch. It was nice to spend time with them. We don't see them nearly enough.

We're home and resting for the evening. Everyone is tired. I'm going to bed early, so I can rest up and still get in a long run tomorrow before rehearsal. It's a busy life, but I'm enjoying it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Running With The Moon Dog

I woke up sore this morning. TKD was awesome last night. I definitely struggled. Sometimes my brain does not communicate with my body. I worked hard and was exhausted by the end of class. I've got some new things to work on, and I'm going to start working on my break for the tournament. My pattern went well. All the extra practice is paying off.

If I am being honest, I was not motivated last night. I felt ill and tired. I'd been busy all day, and I didn't really want to leave the house again. Still, I knew I would feel better if I went. I didn't feel great during the warm-up. I get lightheaded when I'm not feeling well, but it goes away after a little while. The rest of the class I felt fine, and it was a great stress reliever. So glad I went.

This morning I decided to run with the Moon Dog. It's been a long time since we did, but he loved it and got right back into the rhythm. I'm thrilled. I've been trying to fit more running into my weeks, but it's hard to carve out enough time most days. His walk is a priority. He needs daily exercise, too. This is the perfect solution.

Moon Dog is a great running buddy. He makes me push my pace, but he doesn't have much endurance, yet. We did intervals of walking and running. It was great, and I'm hoping we can go a little longer next time. We did 1.3 miles, and he was definitely slowing down at the end. Awesome new addition to my workout routine.

I also squeezed in a chest/back workout. I can't lift as heavy with my upper body, but I'm trying to go a little heavier. Build from there.

Today's Workout

bench press 75# 6 reps x2
db rows 15# 15 reps x2

db chest fly 15# 10 reps x2
barbell row 75# 8 reps x2

db chest press 15# 12 reps x2
t-bar rows 45# 10 reps x2

modified 1 arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side
modified 1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side
modified 1 arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side

I love a good lifting workout. My muscles are jello. Perfect start to another busy day.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekend Workouts and Hyperparathyroidism

I had a busy, but good weekend.

On Saturday, the kids had soccer in the morning. Then I fit in a quick workout before an awesome date night with Andy.

Saturday's Workout

Dead lifts 115#  6 reps x2
push-ups level 1  25 reps

Dead lifts 125#  5 reps x2
modified 1 arm push-ups 10 reps/side  x2

Dead lifts 135#  4 reps x2
push-ups level 2  25 reps

Dead lifts 145#  3 reps x2
modified 1 arm push-ups 10 reps/side x2

It was a good workout and very much needed. So was our date night. Andy had the opportunity to meet and interview Ben Folds. We also got to watch sound check and his amazing show. Such a great night.

Yesterday, the weather was amazing. I went for a run. Lately, I've been running for time. I went for an hour and did just over 4 miles. Not very fast, but much faster than I've been doing. I had a difficult start. My legs were heavy from the dead lifts and not getting enough sleep. I had to walk occasionally until I warmed up, but after I did, I felt great. I have not been running as much lately, and I miss it.

Today is off to a rough start. I've got a packed schedule, but I'm feeling really terrible. Several months ago, I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism (try saying that 3x fast...) The parathyroid is four rice-sized glands on the thyroid. They control calcium levels in the body. One of mine has a growth that is causing it to malfunction. It's pulling too much calcium out of my bones, so I have high levels of calcium in my blood. Luckily, it is fixable. I just need to wait until I can finally get into the endocrinologist. I will most likely have to have surgery to remove it. Fun stuff.

It is nice to know what's going on. I had been struggling with periods of feeling awful. Nauseous, weak, dizzy, and fatigued. Symptoms that could be many things. I went to a couple doctors who basically told me I was making it up or just too obese and out of shape (so fun to be big and have to go to the doctor). The thing is, I avoid going to the doctor unless something is really, really wrong. Not the smartest choice, but I prefer to tough it out if I can.

Which makes it really difficult to go and be told I am a hypochondriac.

I got a new doctor, and she immediately tested my thyroid. Everything came back normal - except my parathyroid.

So, now I wait. I hate waiting. I'm doing what I can for now. Taking in calcium and vitamin D. Lifting weights to help build my bone strength. Drinking lots of water. Staying hydrated has been essential. When I am drinking enough, I have less periods of fatigue and nausea.

Yesterday, I did not drink enough, and I ran. So, I am paying for it today. Still, it's nice to know why I feel so badly. That's a start. I can't wait until I start feeling better.

I have TKD tonight. That's always rough when I'm feeling bad. I get really dizzy and lightheaded. I'm going to chug the H2O and hope I am feeling better by this evening. Still, I am looking forward to class tonight. It's such a great stress reliever and one of my favorite things to do. I wish I could go more than once a week.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Keeping Busy And Still Exercising

It's been a week since I last wrote. It has been an insane week. Lots of events coming up at work, kids have started soccer, I'm working on two shows and starting another, and I am working hard at finishing my next book.

I'll admit, it has made it difficult to fit in exercise, but I am committed to staying on the list. So, here's a recap.

First of all, the Moon Dog and I have been walking every day. It's a nice, peaceful part of my day, and I know he loves it, too.

Saturday, I was still feeling exhausted, so I took the day off.

Sunday, I was pressed for time, but I wanted to do something.

jump rope 1minute  x 2
hook kicks, without dropping my knee  20/side  x 2

jump rope 1 minute x 2
door swings 15/side x 2

jump rope 1 minute x 2
side dumbbell crunches 15#  15/side  x 2

one leg step ups  10/side  x 2
modified 1 arm push ups level 2  10/side x 2

level 1 25 reps
level 2  15 reps
level 3  15 reps
level 2  15 reps
level 1  15 reps

On Monday, I had TKD. It was a good class. I worked hard. I don't feel like I did particularly well on anything, but my pattern went pretty well. I've been practicing, and it's all starting to click.

On Tuesday, I was super sore from class. My feet hurt when I first woke up. I do not want my plantar fasciitis to come back. Stretching was the only option. I did 25 minutes of yoga. It felt great and made my feet feel better.

Wednesday was a busy day. I did do some incline push-ups and modified one arm push-ups. I'm still committed to my one arm push-up goal. I already feel stronger, and I'm noticing improvement in my regular push-ups as well.

Thursday's workout was awesome. It was just what I needed at the start of a stressful day.

Squats 45# 10 reps
Won Hyo x 2

Squats 155# 6 reps x2
push-ups level 1  25 reps x 2

Won Hyo x 2

Plie squats 155# 6 reps  x 2
modified 1 arm push ups level 1  10 reps/side x 2

Won Hyo x 2

Lunges with barbell 135# 5 reps/side  x 2
modified 1 arm push ups level 2  10 reps/side  x 2

Won Hyo x 2

I love a good strength workout. Nothing like feeling completely weak to make you feel strong.

Today, I did a HIIT workout. Lots of cardio and abs. It was a good workout and got my heart rate up almost immediately.

This weekend is another busy one, but I really want to get in a longer run. I've missed running and need to commit to running more consistently.

No matter what I will do something active. I'm staying on the list!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Anything Is Better Than Nothing

Yesterday, I took the Moon Dog for a walk and then went for an awesome hike up Jay Peak with my dad. The weather was perfect. Cool and sunny. The leave are just starting to change. Fall is coming. I can't wait.

The top of the mountain was sunny and warm and surprisingly not windy. My dad have never been up there. It's one of my favorites. We had a great hike, and it was a great workout.

Today, I was exhausted. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and I felt wiped out all morning. I took Moon Dog for a walk, but it didn't help energize me. I ended up taking an hour-long nap. I guess I needed it. I felt groggy when I woke up, but I still wanted to get in a workout.

Staying on the list!

It was not my best workout, but anything is better than nothing. I did an easy workout and focused on my upper body.

Friday's Workout

chest presses 15#db  12 reps x 2
db rows #15  10 reps x 2
barbell shoulder press #45  10 reps x 2

chest fly #15db  12 reps x 2
front rows #15db  10 reps x 2
biceps curls #15db  8 reps x 2

modified 1 arm push-ups  level 2  10 reps/side  x 2
overhead triceps extensions #15db  15 reps  x 2
lateral raises #10db  10 reps  x 2

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Endorphins Make Me Happy

Today's another busy day. Once I step out the door, I am going until about 9pm. The day didn't start well. New issues to deal with and problems to fix. The original plan was to walk Moon Dog and go for a run before my day got crazy, but it started raining. Plus, my arms and legs are aching from yesterday's workout. Lots of reasons to skip my workout and take a rest day.

But, I'm committed to staying on the list. I put off the stressing and jumped on the treadmill. I can never stay on the treadmill for long. It drives me nuts. Still, anything is better than nothing. I decided to do a speed workout. I'm not as speedy as I used to be, but it was a good workout.

Wednesday's workout:

30 minutes on treadmill - walk/run intervals

It's amazing what a quick workout can do. Feeling much calmer and off to take on the day.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sore...So Very Sore...

My legs are going to hate me tomorrow.

Let me back up to yesterday. After my morning walk with the Moon Dog, I wanted to workout, but I didn't want to do anything too intense. I had TKD in the evening, and after two weeks off, I knew it was going to be brutal. So, I decided to do yoga.

I did my own routine. It lasted about 30 minutes. I included some planks, sit ups, and hip/glute exercises. It was a good workout, and I felt much looser and more relaxed.

Then I went to TKD.

Let's just say, the hip/glute exercises were a poor choice.

Class was great. I feel like I learned a lot of helpful information. Of course getting my body to comprehend it takes longer. I understand the concepts, but I didn't execute it very well. Something to work on.

Then we worked on hook kicks without dropping the chamber. It worked the exact same hip/glute area, and it was painful. I haven't had my muscles burn like that in a long time.

I could feel it this morning. A lot. The stairs were a challenge. Things eased up a little after my walk with Moon Dog. I decided to take advantage of my looser muscles and do a good workout.

Tuesday's Workout:

Dead lifts  115#  6 reps
Push-ups level 1  25 reps

Dead lifts  125#  5 reps
Modified 1- arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side

Dead lifts  135#  4 reps
Push-ups level 2  15 reps

Squats  135#  6 reps
Modified 1-arm push-ups level 2  8 reps/side

Squats  145#  5 reps
Push-ups level 3  15 reps

Squats  155#  6 reps
Modified 1-arm push-ups level 1  25 reps

Squats  165#  5 reps
Push-ups level 1  25 reps

It was a long workout. My legs were a little stiff and sore to start, but after I warmed up I felt like I could push it a little more. It was a great workout. I felt really strong.

Of course, now the soreness is really setting in. Let's hope I can walk by the end of the day.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I Need To Go For A Run

Yesterday was a rough day. Everything I attempted to do did not go well. It was a busy, frustrating day. All I kept thinking was, "I need to go for a run." But, as the day slipped by, I felt myself losing motivation. It was a battle between my tired/lazy brain and trying to keep myself "on the list."

It took until around 6:30pm, but I finally stepped outside and went for a run. It was windy. So very windy. It was warm, but there was a storm coming. The air was heavy, and the clouds were pretty dark.

It wasn't the best run, but I felt good having some time to myself. I zoned out and just enjoyed it. It was nice not to think about anything for a while. I was happy when I got home because I had gotten it done.

This morning I got up super early to go hiking, but there was an epic thunder and lightning storm. No hiking today. I'm pretty sore from the last couple days, and the rest of the day was busy. Today's a rest day. I have TKD tomorrow - perfect start to a new week of workouts.

Doing my best to stay on the list.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Staying On The List

Some days are so busy that I feel like I should skip my workout to free up some time, but I'm focused on getting back on track. Putting myself on the list. I know I am a better parent and wife (and human being) when I am taking care of myself, and I've been neglecting my wellbeing for too long.

Today, I am sticking to things that make me happy. Morning walk with the Moon Dog and lifting.

Friday's workout

bench press 75#  8 reps  x 2
dumbbell rows 15#  12 reps  x 2
biceps curls  15#db  8 reps  x 2

chest fly 15#db  12 reps  x 2
barbell row 75#  8 reps  x 2
overhead triceps 15#  12 reps  x 2

modified 1 arm push-ups level 1  8 reps/side  x 2
barbell shoulder press 45#  10 reps  x 2
dumbbell side crunches 15#db  15 reps  x 2

I love lifting. Feeling ready for the rest of the day!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

I Am So Lucky

I am so lucky. My ankle is healing quickly. Certain movements still make it twinge, but it's holding up well. I've been testing it. Coming back from an injury always makes me nervous. With the run, it was the first few steps that worried me. Once I'd run a little, I relaxed and really enjoyed it.

On Monday I decided to try hiking. We did a short, easy hike that was new to us. Family hikes are one of my absolute favorite things. We had so much fun. The kids have been finding new places to practice TKD, and the wide trail and a gigantic boulder were perfect. The Artist practiced Do San on the big rock, and the Bean practiced her bo staff pattern with a long stick.

It was a nice, easy hike. The weather was perfect. It was two miles out and back. My ankle held up until we were on our way down. It didn't give out, but it ached. I had to go slow and focus on stepping lightly. It hurt for a little while after we were done, but it didn't swell any more and felt better after about an hour. I was worried it would hurt the next morning, but it was fine.

Did I mention how lucky I am?

Yesterday, I didn't feel great, so I rested. My legs were a little sore from the hike, but it was not too bad. I didn't miss many workouts, but on the days when I couldn't walk at all, I was convinced that I was losing strength. The mind is always the biggest obstacle.

This morning, Moon Dog and I went for our usual walk. I also got in a strength workout. It was unnerving. I haven't lifted anything heavy since I hurt myself. I dropped the weight down a little bit, and I did a shorter workout. The first rep was terrifying. After my ankle held, I had an awesome workout.

Thursday's Workout

Squats  135#  6 reps x 2
Push-ups level 3  15 reps x 2
Won Hyo x 4

Plie squats  135#  6 reps  x 2
Push-ups level 2  15 reps x 2
Won Hyo x 4  (*felt a twinge in my ankle and decided to shorten my workout)

Dead lifts  115#  5 reps x 2
Modified one-arm push-ups level 1  8 reps/side x 2
Chon Gi, Dan Gun, Do San, & Won Hyo  x 2

I've set a new goal. It's simple but will also take consistent effort to achieve it. Perfect for my super busy life. The big, final goal is to be able to do a full one-armed push-up on the floor (both sides). I am breaking this into smaller goals. The first is to be able to do a full rep on level one*. I plan to achieve this by doing daily reps (as far down as I can go). After I achieve that, I will move on to level 2, level 3, and finally the floor.

*When I worked with a trainer, she had me do push-ups on various levels using the bar that holds up the back of the bench. My bench at home has three levels. Level one is the highest setting - the easiest one to do push-ups on. Level three is almost floor level. It's still one of my absolute favorite exercises. My favorite thing to do is max. reps at each level 1, 2, 3, 2, 1. Nothing feels the way my arms do after that.

This workout was one of the last tests for my ankle. I'm feeling a lot more confident. TKD will be the last test, but I think it will be okay. I'm going to be really careful about any twisting motions, but it should be fine. I'm so excited to get back to regular training. I need that daily dose of endorphins. I'm ready to get my strength back.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Little Progress - Slow And Steady

Making progress - slowly but surely.

Yesterday, Moon Dog and I walked almost 2 miles, and my ankle felt fine. I was excited. Every little bit of progress counts. I have been feeling a little on edge from not being able to exercise. It felt great to be outside and moving.

The weather has been amazing. I really wanted to run this morning, but I was a little concerned about how it would go. It took a little while to convince myself to go, but I did. I went really slow and walked if things started to twinge. I ran 2.7 miles with only two brief walking breaks, and I even powered up a hill near the end.

It felt so great. The sun was shining, and it was a cool, beautiful morning. I got into a good rhythm quickly, and I felt strong. When I pushed it up the hill, I focused on my form and remembered why I used to love running hills.

I had to change my thinking. Lately, I've faced hills with dread. Something to struggle over. I felt weak at the thought of the effort it would take. Today, I felt good. I felt energized until I got to the hill. As I got near it, I started walking. Not because I needed to. Then I decided to power up the hill like I used to. I fixed my form, my pace increased, and I got up it and still felt strong. It was nice to feel that way again. In addition to consistency, I am going to focus on my thoughts - before, during, and after my runs.

The ankle is a little sore but not too bad. I'm going to try some yoga later. Limping has caused my muscles to get really tight. I need to loosen up.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Set Backs

Ah, setbacks. They happen to all of us, and if you're like me, they happen when everything is finally going well. I came back from vacation, had another great week of workouts, and finished the week with a swimming/patterns workout at a lake. Patterns practice in water = so much fun.

Then Saturday morning, I woke up ready to run. I've had a new pair of running shoes sitting and waiting for me to break them in. I was excited to get out there.

But, first I needed to walk the Moon Dog. We have great walks most mornings, and it's a great warm-up for running.

Let's just say, I didn't get to the run. Moon wanted to play with a loose dog. He pulled. I was standing on broken pavement. My ankle rolled. Bad. I was on my knees in the gravel. Moon was running down the trail. I wasn't sure I could stand.

I managed to stand, limped to my car, and called Andy. Then Moon Dog came back, and I got him into the car. My ankle swelled really quickly. By the time Andy picked me up, it was the size of a softball.

I was upset. I hate being injured. I hate not being 100%. I couldn't do anything for several days, and I was frustrated. I definitely had a pity party for myself. Tuesday was the worst because I had to miss TKD. We have no class next week. I am hopeful that I will be able to go back for the next class.

It's getting better. Wednesday, I was able to walk on it for a bit. Yesterday, I managed a .6 mile walk with Moon Dog. Today we bumped it up to 1.3 miles. It's a little sore, but otherwise not too bad.

I took several days off. I did a little swimming, which hurt a little but was nice because I could stay off my foot. Wednesday, I did an upper body workout. I couldn't do anything really heavy, but it was nice to be moving again. Yesterday and today have just been walking. I'm trying to ease back into exercise, and not do too much too soon. So far so good.

I think the hardest thing about set backs is dealing with my head. Logically, I know that a few days (or even a week) off is not a big deal. I'm not losing any strength. I know I need to rest and let it heal. I know it will be worse if I do too much and re-injure myself.

But, even knowing all of this, I was still pretty down for several days. I have to keep reminding myself that it will be okay. I can still be active. It just takes a little more planning. It's not easy, but it could be much worse. I'm just glad it's healing quickly.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mish-Mash Workout

It's so nice to be back to lifting. It definitely helps me feel calmer and more in control.

Wednesday's Workout:

bench press  75#  5.5 reps / 6 reps
db row/triceps extension  15#  6 reps x 2

chest fly 15#db  10 reps x 2
reverse fly  15#db  8 reps x 2

push-ups level 3  12 reps x 2
overhead triceps  15#  12 reps x 2

barbell shoulder press  45#  8 reps x 2
biceps curls  15#db  6 reps x 2

I felt a little under the weather after yesterday's workout, but it improved when I went to auditions for my next show. It was the first night, and I was so excited by the people that showed up. It's going to be a really great show.

This morning I walked the Moon Dog and then got in a good workout. It was kind of a mish-mash of things. I couldn't decide what to focus on, so I just did what I felt like doing. That's the nice thing about not having any specific goals. I can do what I feel like doing.

Today's Workout:

squats  145#  6 reps x 2
push-ups level 1  15 reps x 2
punches in sitting stance  100 reps x 2

squats  155#  6 reps x 2
push-ups level 2  15 reps x 2
side kicks  25 reps/side  x 2

plie squats  155#  6 reps x 2
push-ups level 3  15 reps x 2
side db crunches  15#db  x 2

It was a good workout.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Back At It

Back on track after a week off.

We had a wonderful vacation in Maine. It was only a few days, but it was perfect. We has lots of great ocean time, played mini golf, ate delicious ice cream, and finished it up with a trip to Fun Town/ Splash Town. So much fun.

I could seriously live in the ocean.

Yesterday, it was back to our usual hectic life. The kids' had promotions for TKD. They've worked really hard all summer, and it's really paid off. The looks on their faces made me cry like a baby. They were so proud of themselves. I love seeing that.

I also had TKD yesterday. It was a good class. I learned a few new things that I can hopefully use in sparring at the tournaments this spring. There were lots of back kicks, which are my favorite. I know it's good to work on things I'm not good at, but it's also nice to once in a while feel competent. I like feeling strong and coordinated. I was also incredibly inspired by watching my kids. They make me want to try harder and do more.

I woke up sore. Today's been another whirlwind of a day, and I haven't had a chance to work out. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going to do some lifting. I've got to keep up the momentum. I always feel better when I lift.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 3 of Awesome Workouts

Week 3 Begins!

I rested yesterday. I spent time with my parents and went to the cast party for the show. It was a mellow, fun day. I'm still feeling a little off, but I wanted to get in a good workout today. I decided on Squats/Push-ups/Won Hyo.

Squats              Push-ups            Won Hyo
125# 12 reps    level 3 12 reps    x3
135# 10 reps    level 3 15 reps    x3
145# 8 reps      level 2 15 reps    x3
155# 6 reps      level 1 15 reps    x3

It was a great workout. It was difficult, but I felt strong. I love that feeling.

I've been keeping track of my workouts here to keep myself accountable. So far, so good. I've also changed the way I've been tracking my food. I track my food 95% of the time, but I was finding that the tracker apps weren't working for me. It was too mindless. I could select the food, enter it, and forget about it.

Back when I lost a lot of weight and got healthier, I used a notebook and pen, and it worked really well. I have to sit down and focus on what I am eating, when, and how I'm feeling. I decided to try it again. So far, it's been working. I've had a couple days where I indulged a little too much, but I wrote it all down. I think it kept me from going even more overboard.

Figuring out what works is definitely a process. Right now it's working.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Listen To Your Body

Week 2 of awesome workouts started strong. It's ending....not so well.

I'm at the end of a month of stress at work. I've been in the producing role for two musicals that happened back to back as well as being the choreographer for one and running the front of house. For a theatre person that means hell week, show week, hell week, show week. No sleep for a month. Very little time to eat. Plus, you know, the rest of my life...

I've been making time for exercise, but without adequate sleep and food, my body doesn't recover as well. Yesterday, I crashed and burned.

The day started out well. I got up and did a good workout. I felt pretty energized at first, but as the workout went on, I started to struggle. More than I should have. It was a short, not-too-intense workout, but I had a hard time completing it.

Friday's Workout:

Dead lifts 95# 8 reps
Won Hyo (my pattern) x2
biceps curls 15# 8 reps
*all exercises x2

Dead lifts 105# 6 reps
Won Hyo x2
front row with 15# dumbbells 10 reps
*all exercises x2

Dead lifts 115# 4 reps
Won Hyo x2
overhead tricep extensions 15# 12 reps
*all exercises x2

The last set was brutal. I almost gave up. I knew something was off, but I assumed it was due to the heat/humidity we've had all week.

About an hour later I was sick. Nauseous, sore, raging headache, slight fever. It was awful. I had to go in and get things set for the show, and by the time I got home I could barely move. I tried to do some house work, but it got worse. I took an hour-long nap that felt like I had just blinked my eyes. I am not a nap person, but yesterday it couldn't be helped.

Then I had to work the show. I did okay hiding the fact I was sick, but I made some really stupid mistakes because all I could think about was how much my head hurt. The show went great, and I didn't pass out. I crashed as soon as I got home.

This morning is a little better. The headache is gone. I'm a little queasy but not overheating. I think I just really need some rest and recovery time. It's been a brutal month.

Today, I had planned on doing some abs and yoga, but I think it's going to be a full rest day instead. We have two shows today, so my time is very limited. I think I just need to take it easy and try to eat good, healthy food. Sometimes it's not about what's on your training plan. It's about listening to your body.

Week 3 should be better. Less stress and back to my usual routine...until we go on vacation...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Lesson Learned

Yesterday I learned a lesson - Never do leg day the day before TKD. Ow.

TKD class was okay. I struggled. I know that it's part of the process, but it's not easy. I was frustrated, but I do feel like I made some progress. That's what matters.

Today, I had to squeeze in a workout. Continuing with lifting and loving it.

Wednesday's Workout:

Bench press 75#  6 reps x 2
One-arm dumbbell row 15#  10 reps/side x 2

Barbell Row 75#  6 reps x 2
Chest Fly 15#db  8 reps x 2

T-bar row 30# + bar  8 reps / 10 reps
Push-ups level 3  10 reps / 15 reps

Short but sweet. Love feeling strong.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 2 Begins

Week 2 begins!!

Usually, I like to do longer workouts on the weekend, but my jump back into lifting made my legs incredibly sore. I walked Moon Dog and did yoga this weekend. I caught up on sleep, too. It was an energizing weekend.

Today, I wanted to focus on legs and do some heavy lifting. I also wanted to do abs and some cardio. It turned into an interesting workout.

Monday's Workout:

jump rope - 1 minute
standing cross crunches - 30 reps / side
squats 115# - 8 reps
*all exercises x 2

jump rope - 1 minute
choppers 10# - 12 reps / side
plie squats 115# - 8 reps
*all exercises x 2

jump rope - 1 minute
curtsy - 12 reps / side
squats 125# - 6 reps
*all exercises x 2

jump rope - 1 minute
swings 10# - 12 reps
alternating lunges - 20 reps
plie squats 125# - 6 reps
*all exercises x 2

It was a good workout. Lots of sweat. About halfway through the third set, I hit the point where I felt completely exhausted, and my muscles were shaking. It felt good to finish after hitting that point. It was hard work. I love lifting.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Epic Hike

Yesterday the Artist and I had another "epic adventure." He wanted to hike Jay Peak, and I was up for it. The weather was perfect, and we had a good hike. He set a good pace, and I was working to keep up.

This is what life is about.

My legs were feeling it this morning. My poor calves are destroyed. I took the Moon Dog for a walk, which helped a little. Luckily, today was back and shoulders day.

I focused on Barbell Rows and Dumbbell Shoulder Presses. I started with the bar. I wanted to go easy to start. Rows are not my strongest move. I kept the presses low weight / high rep.

Friday's Workout

Barbell Rows  //  Dumbbell Shoulder Presses
45# 12 reps          #10 15 reps
55# 12 reps          #10 15 reps
65# 10 reps          #10 15 reps
75# 8 reps            #10 15 reps
85# 4 reps            #10 15 reps

Not the hardest workout I've done this week, but I am feel great. I love how strong I feel when I lift. It's been a good week. Looking forward to the weekend and another week of getting strong.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Awesome Workout Week

And, the week of awesome workouts continues...

Yesterday, I had planned on dead lifts, but my legs were super sore from Monday's squats. I decided to go with bench press instead. Since I was so sore, I wanted the second exercise to be something gentle. I decided to work on my TKD patterns in between sets. It was a good choice. Not only did I get a lot of practicing done, but the movements loosened up my legs and made them feel better.

Tuesday's Workout:

Bench Press  //  Patterns
45# 12 reps       Won Hyo (current pattern) x 3
55# 12 reps       Chon Ji, Dan Gun, Do San, Won Hyo x 2 each *
65# 10 reps       Won Hyo x 3
75# 6 reps         Chon Ji, Dan Gun, Do San, Won Hyo x 2 each
85# 4 reps         Won Hyo x 3

*The first time I attempted Dan Gun and Do San, I completely forgot them. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that. Luckily, the Artist remembered Dan Gun and is currently working on Do San. He helped me remember.

With my legs still a little sore but feeling much better, I decided to go for a walk with the Artist. One of our "epic walks." We walked from our house into Enosburg on the Rail Trail. It was hot, but we brought water and snacks and took our time. We walked 6 miles!

I was feeling the walk when I got up this morning, but I really wanted to do dead lifts today. After running some errands, my legs loosened up, and I was ready. I paired them with biceps curls and triceps extensions. Lower weight/more reps.

I started light with the dead lifts. I do not want to hurt my back. I would much rather go a little light to start. I'll get back to where I used to be eventually.

Wednesday's Workout:

Dead Lifts  //  Biceps Curls/Triceps Extension
45# 12 reps *  10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
65# 12 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
75# 10 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
85# 10 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
95# 8 reps       10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
105# 6 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
115# 4 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps

*I used the bar for a warm-up set. I could have done more that 12 reps, but I wanted to save it for the heavier weights.

It was a great workout. I'm feeling really strong. Barbell rows and shoulders tomorrow!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Squats and Push-Ups and Patterns...Oh My!

Last week was a busy one. I got in a walk every day with the Moon Dog, but that was pretty much it. I did make it to TKD class, and that was great. No other major workouts, though.

This week I have a little more time and a little less stress. Yay! The Artist and I had planned on hiking, but the weather did not cooperate. Instead we did some strength training, and he threw in some TKD practice, too. We don't have class this week, so this was a great idea. I was really proud of him. He did a difficult workout and enjoyed himself.

I'm going to focus on lifting right now. I love it. It's my favorite. Why am I not focused on it already?

For now, I am going for consistency and finding a good weight to start from. I need to do heavy lifting, but it's been so long I don't know where my base is. I've been reading articles on this great site called Eat To Perform, and one was discussing the idea of doing a few basic movements and just going until you can't do anymore. Perfect way to start out and very helpful for finding my starting point.

Today was squats and push ups. I started with a weight I knew I could handle and went up in 10 pound increments from there. I did push ups in between and during my rest times I worked on my pattern. It ended up being a really great workout. Lifting makes me happy. I can tune out the world and just get it done. Love.

Here's my workout for today:

Squats  //  Push Ups (incline at various levels)

95# 8r  // 15r level1
105# 8r  //  15r level 2
115# 10r  // 10r level 3
125# 8r  //  10r level 3
135# 6r  //  12r level 2
145# 6r  //  15r level 1

Obviously, I could have done more, but my legs were wobbly and tired. Rather than push too far, I stopped at 145# and will use that as my jumping off point next time. Not bad for not going heavy in a long time.

Keeping it simple this week. Two exercises and working on my pattern. Hopefully we'll find time for another hike, too. Tomorrow I am thinking Dead Lifts and Chest Press/Flys.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Awesome Hike / Fabulous Run / Shaky Muscle Stage

It's been a long time since I posted. I've been keeping busy and eating better. I've been trying to exercise more regularly.

The Artist and I went on an awesome hike up Elmore Mountain and went swimming after. It was so much fun.

Our hike was following a very difficult TKD class. The kids had a tough class too. Lots of pushups and conditioning. The adult class had circuit training, too. One of my favorites. We were super sore for the hike, but it was awesome.

Yesterday, I went for a run. It was the first one in a while, and it was fantastic. I didn't try to go fast, but I wanted to run the whole time. The road was recently paved, which made for a wonderfully smooth run. The hills didn't seem too bad, and it was a beautiful day. It felt great.

I asked Andy to pick me up after about 45 minutes. It ended up being a little longer, but I ran the whole way and felt good. I covered almost 4 miles. Not bad.

This morning I did an upper body workout. I love lifting. I know I've said it before, but every time I lift I feel happier. I got to the shaky muscle stage today, which is the best feeling.

Not quite done for today. The Artist and I are going for a run. He wants to do the Leaf Peeper 5k again this fall, so we're "in training." Love running with my boy!