Monday, July 25, 2016

Awesome Hike / Fabulous Run / Shaky Muscle Stage

It's been a long time since I posted. I've been keeping busy and eating better. I've been trying to exercise more regularly.

The Artist and I went on an awesome hike up Elmore Mountain and went swimming after. It was so much fun.

Our hike was following a very difficult TKD class. The kids had a tough class too. Lots of pushups and conditioning. The adult class had circuit training, too. One of my favorites. We were super sore for the hike, but it was awesome.

Yesterday, I went for a run. It was the first one in a while, and it was fantastic. I didn't try to go fast, but I wanted to run the whole time. The road was recently paved, which made for a wonderfully smooth run. The hills didn't seem too bad, and it was a beautiful day. It felt great.

I asked Andy to pick me up after about 45 minutes. It ended up being a little longer, but I ran the whole way and felt good. I covered almost 4 miles. Not bad.

This morning I did an upper body workout. I love lifting. I know I've said it before, but every time I lift I feel happier. I got to the shaky muscle stage today, which is the best feeling.

Not quite done for today. The Artist and I are going for a run. He wants to do the Leaf Peeper 5k again this fall, so we're "in training." Love running with my boy!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Year Of No

I wrote the notes for this post three days ago.

That fact fits perfectly into this post. This week has been brutal. I've been working full time hours plus doing my usual part-time jobs. Everything is getting done, but I am completely exhausted. Even after I finally got some sleep - Yay, Saturday! I've had to wake up earlier, but I was going to bed later. I haven't seen my family very much, and I hate it. They've been having fun at camps, but I still miss seeing them. It's been a hard week, and that makes not seeing them worse. I've also had no time (or energy) to workout. I did manage to squeeze in a couple 10 minute yoga sessions, but I think I was too stressed for it to work. That's too stressed.

But, looking on the bright side, I've got two days with nothing but family time, and I've only got one more hard week before I am back to my usual routine.

This has made me really think about my life and my priorities. I know that I say "yes" to too many things. I get spread too thin. If you having been reading this blog for a while, I bet you see a pattern. Sometimes I feel like I am doing better, but other times (like now) I know I still have a long way to go.

I need a year of No. I thought about this three days ago (when I wrote down the notes for this post). I wanted to write the post then, but I needed some time with my kiddos before bedtime. Over the past three days I've been thinking about it a lot. I considered making it my resolution for 2017, but then I realized that I couldn't wait that long. I have to start now.

So, halfway through 2016, I've decided this is my year of No. I am not going to immediately agree to projects. I am going to consider how it effects my family, my writing time, and my workout time. It sounds really selfish. I hate feeling selfish.

But, I need this. When I was training for the marathon (4 years ago - yikes), I was being a little selfish. Training took a lot of time. I was in amazing shape and felt great. I had so much confidence, which really makes everything easier.

Then I had some rough times, and I went into a major downward spiral. A long one. It went on for several years. I still kept doing things, and even did some of them well, but I felt terrible. I was an emotional mess and filling my hours and days with things that I didn't really care about (and a few I did). Things were bad for a while, and they got worse whenever I was stressing about a project, which was pretty much all the time. I knew I had to lighten up on what I'm doing, but I felt guilty. I knew what things I wanted (or really needed) to keep, but I didn't know how to let go of the others.

Guilt would be my fatal flaw in  Shakespearean play.

This week has been a slap in the face. A wake-up call. It's made me really look at what I am doing and what needs to change. I'm going to be a little bit selfish. I need to start feeling better about myself, and that takes a lot of hard work and time. I want to (as my friend, Michelle, always says) "be on the list". I am no where near my list right now. My health needs to be a priority - not one of the first things to go.

The other thing that always gets pushed away by projects is time to write. Writing is like meditation to me. I love it, and I need that time of creating and working in quiet. It needs to be on the list.

Side note: I saw a show of Martha Graham's choreography when I was about 14, and it changed my entire perspective of art. I still remember some of the pieces - 21 years later.

My family is always on the list, but we have better times and busier times. I know this will always happen, but I would like to cut down on some of the busyness if possible. The kids are growing up fast, and I don't want to miss a second of it.

This weekend, I am going to take some time to exercise and meditate. I'm going to relax, and spend time with my family. I am going to figure out how to put myself on the list.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Hiking 2016 - Burnt

One of my goals for 2016 is to hike more. This is a personal goal as well as a family goal, and so far, it's going well. We went for a hike yesterday. The kids had never been up Burnt Mt., which is one of my favorite hikes. It's kind of long, but it is beautiful and very remote.

It was an absolutely perfect day for hiking. We took our time and took lots of water and snack breaks. Everyone had a good time. We met a few people on the trail, but we had the top to ourselves. We spent a lot of time up there, taking in the view and enjoying a nice, cool breeze.

In total we hiked 5.5 miles. It's the longest the kids have hiked, and they were very proud of their effort. We had a nice conversation about perseverance and indomitable spirit (thank you TKD). These are the best family moments. There were also moments of grumpy attitudes, but I expect that when they're challenging themselves. By the end, we had all fallen at least once and were hurting, tired, and hungry. Everyone tried their best to stay positive, and we had a great day on the mountain.