Friday, November 20, 2015

Another Crazy Week

It's been another crazy week, but it started out in the best way. After my 12 miles on Sunday, I expected to be sore, but it wasn't bad. Yoga fixed most of it. Monday night I had TKD. It was a great class. Lots of plyometric training. At the end of class the yellow belts were promoted. The three of us started together, and we've worked really hard over the last year. My break didn't go well. It took four tries again, but it did finally break. It was frustrating, but I'm determined to get it first try at the next tournament.

It was such a great feeling to get promoted. I feel like I've turned a corner with TKD. I've started to set goals and focus on making progress. I'm one belt away from getting to do weapons training. The Bean is starting up weapons, and she is so excited. I have to say I'm jealous. She's starting with a Bo Staff, and it looks like so much fun. For now, I'll have to be content with starting a new pattern. I am excited about it. The patterns get more involved and cooler the further we progress. I love that there is always something new to learn.

Monday was a definite "life is good" kind of day. The rest of this week has been a bit more of a struggle. Tuesday I walked with a client - at a really brisk pace - and I worked out with a couple other clients. I got in a good body weight workout. Wednesday and Thursday I only got in a walk with the Moon Dog. We've been walking consistently all week.

This weekend I have an awesome date with Andy. I know we'll be going out to eat a couple times this weekend, so I need to set myself up for success. I'm running with my friend, Tracy, this morning. I haven't seen her all week. I'm psyched for a good run and chat. Tomorrow morning I am running again. I won't be back for our Sunday Runday, so Michelle and I rescheduled for Saturday. I also know that Andy and I will be doing a lot of walking tomorrow. It's going to be a good weekend.

I'm looking forward to the holiday break. I still have a couple jobs to do, but I get a break from my school-related ones. It will be nice to have more free time and time to spend with my family.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Setting Up For Success

Yesterday was sort of a rest day. I did a lot of moving around, but no workouts. I had an awesome girls' night with the Bean, one of her besties, and one of mine. We went out for sushi and watched a local, high school performance of Footloose. It was a blast.

I knew I would be having sushi for dinner, so I planned the rest of my food accordingly and stayed on track. My goal was to get through the weekend on track, and I have succeeded. I know today is not quite over, but I am confident I will make it.

I set myself up for success this morning and did 12 miles (and a ton of hills) with my friend, Michelle. I love our Sunday runs. It starts the week off right, and we get a chance to talk. It's exercise and therapy.

My legs were pretty sore after, but I wasn't done. I had a choreography rehearsal today and spent two hours dancing with my cast. They were phenomenal, and we put together a fairly complicated dance in two hours - with kids starting as young as four that's pretty impressive. I love what I do.

My legs are pretty much done now. Resting, family games, and writing are the plan for tonight. My eating is on track, and I feel really great. I had to change my mindset and get back to how I used to look at life. Positivity makes everything better. It's so nice to feel this way again.

I'm hoping my legs won't be too sore tomorrow. I've got TKD. Some yoga earlier in the day is going to be necessary. I'm looking forward to it.

Life is so very, very good.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Circuits and Plyos and Yoga...Oh My!

Two posts in one day!? Anything's possible if you start the day at 4am!

Today, I actually took a little time for myself before diving into the non-stop activities of the day. I saw a free moment and embraced it 100%. It was pouring rain this morning, so I decided not to run. I will run in the rain, but I don't enjoy it. It was too wet today, so I decided to do a circuit workout.

I need to add more circuits to my life. I used to do them all the time, and they're one of my favorite ways to train (after lifting, of course). I decided to do a mix of plyometrics and cardio. Not my favorite things, but ones that are necessary if I am ever going to get back in shape and get faster at TKD. So, I did some Plyos, some jump rope, some TKD moves, and threw in some weights for a bit of a break.

It was one of the best workouts I've done on my own in a long time. It was hard, but I felt good when it was over. I worked on this one move that we did in class on Monday that I was struggling with, and I saw a little improvement. I tend to have a difficult time getting up quickly from the floor. It was one of those moves, and it was hard. Still, I started to see improvement, and if I keep working on it, I think it will get much easier over time.

I followed my circuits with a half hour of yoga. Yoga is a necessity in my life, and I haven't been making time for it. Everything has been really tight, and I know I need to stretch more. It was great to really take the time to stretch and focus on my problem spots. Plus, it's great for my mental well being. This week has been a challenge, and when I am stressed it all seems to pile up. I felt better about everything after just a half an hour of breathing and stretching. Note to self: start making time for yoga!

I've also managed to stay on track with my eating. Considering that this has been one of the most stressful weeks I've had in the last 6 months, this is a huge victory. I'm feeling so much better after a week of eating healthy and controlled portions. Of course, now it's the weekend, but if I plan I should be okay. This is my mini goal - get through the weekend healthfully. I know I'm going out to dinner tomorrow night, but if I plan around it, I should still be able to stick to my plan.

Back On Track Again

This week has been brutally busy. That's why I'm blogging at 4:30 in the morning. No other time to do it. I'm exhausted, but I've also managed to stay on track with my eating. Exercise has been a struggle. The beginning of the week was great. I ran on Monday and didn't stop to walk. TKD class was great. We did a lot of conditioning, and I was sore the next day.

Tuesday I did a heavy leg workout and walked the Moon Dog. Combined with my previous days' exercise, I started to get really sore. I finished off Tuesday with a workout with some clients. Legs and abs and yoga. Ouch.

I haven't been sore like that in a while. I like feeling that way. Feels like I've really worked, and it's been a while since I have really gone all out. Most days I sit for long hours, and it's made me lazy. It feels good to finally be consistent.

I had high hopes for Wednesday and Thursday, but life got in the way. I managed to squeeze in walks with the pooch and some pushups, but that's it. Better than nothing, but I need to get back into it. Today I am determined to fit in a good workout. I want to up my cardio, so I am planning on a plyometric/jump rope workout. No more slacking.

My eating all week has been on track, which seems like a victory since I've been so busy and stressed. I'm determined not to stress eat any more.

The rest of life is going pretty well. Things are busy and crazy and stressful, but I'm also starting some great projects. I'm working on two holiday shows and starting the high school musical. Three great groups of actors. November and December are non-stop, but it's going to be a lot of fun.

Monday, November 9, 2015

TKD Recap

If I am completely honest, I would have to say that my greatest fear is failure. More than heights or spiders or anything else. I expect a lot from myself, and I am always afraid of not meeting my own (or others' perceived) expectations.

I failed hard on Saturday. I practiced, practiced, practiced. I nailed my break twice during our practice time at the tournament. But, it still took me 4 tries to break it when I got up there. My head just wasn't in the game, and tournaments are all mental. It bled over into sparring, and I was out the first round.

It was a much larger group than usual, and my nerves were a wreck. I'm not sure what a panic attack feels like, but I might have been having one. I had also totally psyched myself out the night before, and it bled over into tournament day. I could make a lot of excuses, but I won't. It wasn't my day. Simple as that.

So, the thing I fear the most happened, and you know what? It was good. Not at first, of course. I was frustrated and mad at myself because I know I can do better, but I learned a lot from watching the other competitors. I know what I did wrong and what I need to work on. It took some time to process, but once I did, I knew it was a good thing that I failed so hard in front of all of those people.

Because now it's happened. And, I survived. It wasn't horribly embarrassing. The world didn't end. Honestly, it reignited something in me that I've been missing for a while. I feel like it freed me to just go for it at the next one because I have nothing to lose.

I don't usually like to admit when I really care about something because I feel like I'm setting myself up to fail. Horrible mindset, I know. I do care about TKD. I want to do well. I'm committing to working 200% harder, so next time I will improve. I'm not going to worry about failing or looking stupid because who cares? This is just for me, and at least I am out there trying.

I didn't get to this conclusion immediately. I took a 9 miles walk with my TKD partner in crime, Michelle, on Sunday, and she was kind enough to listen to me ramble until I had my head straight. I really don't know what I'd do without her.

My kids had a great tournament, which made things better. The Bean kicked some serious ass. She's a powerhouse. It's funny because she's quiet and doesn't ever seem too nervous, but when she gets out there, she gets it done. Gold in breaking and silver in sparring. She's only half-way through her new pattern, so she opted not to do it. She'll be ready in time for the next one.

The Artist was probably the biggest success of the day. He got third in patterns and third in sparring, but it wasn't the medals that mattered. It was his attitude. Last year he got nervous and didn't do very well. Then he got upset. And stayed upset. All. Day. Long.

I wasn't sure he would want to try another tournament, but he did. We talked a lot about having a positive attitude and trying his best. He worked really hard, and his pattern was great. He was so excited when he finished that he jumped in the air and cheered. Not really what he's supposed to do, but he was so proud and happy that I don't think anyone cared.

His break didn't go well, but he didn't get upset and went into sparring with a good attitude. He was happy when he was done, and he wore his medals to school today. Such an improvement over last year. I told him he got a gold in the indomitable spirit category. So proud of him.

It was a great example for me, too. No matter how mad/disappointed/frustrated I felt when I was done, I had to smile and keep my stuff together. I talk to the kids constantly about having a good attitude. It was time to practice what I preach.

I got a lot out of this tournament. More than the others. I'm excited to get back into it tonight at class and start getting ready for the next one. I'm certainly not ready to give up.

I kept it going this morning with a run. I've been slacking lately and walking a lot. This time I didn't let myself walk. I need to build my mental toughness more than anything else. I can keep feeling bad because the Em who ran a marathon is no longer around, or I can get it together and find her again - or maybe even a better version this time. That's the goal for now.

Friday, November 6, 2015

TKD On My Mind

I think my mojo is finally coming back. The last couple months I have not been feeling it. It's been a struggle to stay motivated. Which is even more frustrating because I can remember how easy and fun it all used to be. TKD is bringing it back.

TKD is what I'm thankful for today. The first tournament of the season is tomorrow, and I am excited. We had such a blast last year. We get to see our TKD friends, watch some awesome competitors, and push ourselves. Plus, we get to break boards, which is my favorite part. I'm a little nervous about getting my break on the first try, but I'm going to think positive and practice, practice, practice.

Taekwondo has been a life changer. I love watching my kids grow in ability and confidence. It's a huge change from year to year, and I'm so proud of them. We have a great time practicing together, too. I'm so glad that I started taking classes and that we can train together. So much fun.

Practicing - the only time they can fight without getting in trouble.
I've been training for almost a year and a half, and it's made me a different person. Breaking a board with your foot will do that. It's a great confidence booster. I love that TKD is all about personal development. The only competition is with myself. I love doing patterns because we spend a long time perfecting each one. The pattern I'm doing tomorrow, I have been working on for a year. There are still things that could be improved. There's always room for improvement. It's been really good for me. I tend to want immediate results. TKD makes me slow down and focus on the little details. I'm developing patience.

The people are wonderful. The class is supportive and not judgmental. My kids and I have made some great friends through TKD - especially my TKD twin, Michelle.

Our first tournament - one year ago!
The black belts at the tournaments are supportive and helpful. I learn a lot every time I compete. It's a really positive atmosphere. Did I mention I'm excited?

So, with the tournament in mind, I am keeping my eating clean today and exercising carefully. I took the Moon Dog for a 3 mile walk this morning, followed by Pilates. I'm not doing anything that could injure me. I just got over one injury, and I would like to compete when I'm feeling good. The last tournament I went to, I had injured my knee and had to do my break with my left foot - surprisingly, it went really well. Still, I hate being injured.

In addition to walking and Pilates, I am going to practice, practice, practice. As long as I feel like I have prepared the best I can and tried my hardest, I will be okay with whatever happens tomorrow. I don't need medals. I just want to be happy with my performance.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Running With The Moon Dog

I had a pretty good class last night. We did some tournament prep, which was fun. I'm even more excited about the tournament this weekend. I'm feeling good about my pattern and my break, but sparring continues to be my weak area. When we're training, I understand the way to put things together, but as soon as I am up against someone, it all flies out of my head. It's frustrating, but I know what I need to work on. The kids and I will will be practicing this week, and I'll try to focus on my weaknesses. I'm excited to learn new things at the tournament, too. It's such a fun day, and there are so many talented black belts to offer advice.

Today is all about getting in whatever exercise I can. I started the day with a walk with the Moon Dog. The weather is amazing today - sunny, mid-60s, so very unlike a normal November in VT. I wanted to take advantage of it and decided to take Moon Dog running.

I wasn't sure how it would go. It's been almost a year since I ran with him, and I wasn't sure if he would be agreeable. He settled into it immediately, and we had a great run. We only did 1.11 miles, but it was enough for him. I'm thrilled that he was so agreeable. Now, we can substitute a couple runs for our daily walks. Good for both of us.

Happy, tired pup!
I've got circuit training and yoga tonight, which should be a lot of fun. I like the small bits of exercise throughout the day, but I am ready for a good, long workout. My food is on track for the day. I just need to make sure I drink enough water. So far, I'm still on track. Day 3!

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Month Of Goals

This week is not off to a great start, but I am determined to stay on track. No more stress eating. So far, my November goals are going well. I got in an interval run yesterday and ate well. Today, I'm planning another short run, and I have TKD tonight. Last class before the tournament on Saturday. I'm excited for the tournament. They're a lot of fun, and we get to spend the day with our TKD friends.

November is full of goals and projects. In addition to my health goals, I am participating in NaNoWriMo again. It's been a few years since I did it, but this year the beginning of the month lined up with the beginning of a new book. I have a lot of editing that needs to be done, but I am feeling the urge to write.

I'm also starting three plays this month. Two for the holidays and one that will go up in February. I love the beginning of a show. It's all creativity and almost no stress. Plus, holiday plays are my favorite. So much fun.

I'm really looking forward to this month. It's going to be as busy as last month, but I feel like I am going into it with a much more positive attitude. That's my last goal for the month. I need to get back into a more positive head space. I like the idea of posting something I am thankful for every day this month. But, I need to be realistic. It probably won't be daily. I will be thankful daily. It just may not make it into a post. So, I'm just going to try for a thankful moment in every post I manage to write.

Today (and every day), I am thankful for my friends. They're the best. We had a blast trick-or-treating, and then I took the kids to one of their houses to watch a movie. I'm an introvert, and I like relaxing at home - especially after a whirlwind day like Halloween. It says something when it's just as relaxing to hang out at a friend's house. It was a great end to the day.