Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mish-Mash Workout

It's so nice to be back to lifting. It definitely helps me feel calmer and more in control.

Wednesday's Workout:

bench press  75#  5.5 reps / 6 reps
db row/triceps extension  15#  6 reps x 2

chest fly 15#db  10 reps x 2
reverse fly  15#db  8 reps x 2

push-ups level 3  12 reps x 2
overhead triceps  15#  12 reps x 2

barbell shoulder press  45#  8 reps x 2
biceps curls  15#db  6 reps x 2

I felt a little under the weather after yesterday's workout, but it improved when I went to auditions for my next show. It was the first night, and I was so excited by the people that showed up. It's going to be a really great show.

This morning I walked the Moon Dog and then got in a good workout. It was kind of a mish-mash of things. I couldn't decide what to focus on, so I just did what I felt like doing. That's the nice thing about not having any specific goals. I can do what I feel like doing.

Today's Workout:

squats  145#  6 reps x 2
push-ups level 1  15 reps x 2
punches in sitting stance  100 reps x 2

squats  155#  6 reps x 2
push-ups level 2  15 reps x 2
side kicks  25 reps/side  x 2

plie squats  155#  6 reps x 2
push-ups level 3  15 reps x 2
side db crunches  15#db  x 2

It was a good workout.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Back At It

Back on track after a week off.

We had a wonderful vacation in Maine. It was only a few days, but it was perfect. We has lots of great ocean time, played mini golf, ate delicious ice cream, and finished it up with a trip to Fun Town/ Splash Town. So much fun.

I could seriously live in the ocean.

Yesterday, it was back to our usual hectic life. The kids' had promotions for TKD. They've worked really hard all summer, and it's really paid off. The looks on their faces made me cry like a baby. They were so proud of themselves. I love seeing that.

I also had TKD yesterday. It was a good class. I learned a few new things that I can hopefully use in sparring at the tournaments this spring. There were lots of back kicks, which are my favorite. I know it's good to work on things I'm not good at, but it's also nice to once in a while feel competent. I like feeling strong and coordinated. I was also incredibly inspired by watching my kids. They make me want to try harder and do more.

I woke up sore. Today's been another whirlwind of a day, and I haven't had a chance to work out. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going to do some lifting. I've got to keep up the momentum. I always feel better when I lift.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 3 of Awesome Workouts

Week 3 Begins!

I rested yesterday. I spent time with my parents and went to the cast party for the show. It was a mellow, fun day. I'm still feeling a little off, but I wanted to get in a good workout today. I decided on Squats/Push-ups/Won Hyo.

Squats              Push-ups            Won Hyo
125# 12 reps    level 3 12 reps    x3
135# 10 reps    level 3 15 reps    x3
145# 8 reps      level 2 15 reps    x3
155# 6 reps      level 1 15 reps    x3

It was a great workout. It was difficult, but I felt strong. I love that feeling.

I've been keeping track of my workouts here to keep myself accountable. So far, so good. I've also changed the way I've been tracking my food. I track my food 95% of the time, but I was finding that the tracker apps weren't working for me. It was too mindless. I could select the food, enter it, and forget about it.

Back when I lost a lot of weight and got healthier, I used a notebook and pen, and it worked really well. I have to sit down and focus on what I am eating, when, and how I'm feeling. I decided to try it again. So far, it's been working. I've had a couple days where I indulged a little too much, but I wrote it all down. I think it kept me from going even more overboard.

Figuring out what works is definitely a process. Right now it's working.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Listen To Your Body

Week 2 of awesome workouts started strong. It's ending....not so well.

I'm at the end of a month of stress at work. I've been in the producing role for two musicals that happened back to back as well as being the choreographer for one and running the front of house. For a theatre person that means hell week, show week, hell week, show week. No sleep for a month. Very little time to eat. Plus, you know, the rest of my life...

I've been making time for exercise, but without adequate sleep and food, my body doesn't recover as well. Yesterday, I crashed and burned.

The day started out well. I got up and did a good workout. I felt pretty energized at first, but as the workout went on, I started to struggle. More than I should have. It was a short, not-too-intense workout, but I had a hard time completing it.

Friday's Workout:

Dead lifts 95# 8 reps
Won Hyo (my pattern) x2
biceps curls 15# 8 reps
*all exercises x2

Dead lifts 105# 6 reps
Won Hyo x2
front row with 15# dumbbells 10 reps
*all exercises x2

Dead lifts 115# 4 reps
Won Hyo x2
overhead tricep extensions 15# 12 reps
*all exercises x2

The last set was brutal. I almost gave up. I knew something was off, but I assumed it was due to the heat/humidity we've had all week.

About an hour later I was sick. Nauseous, sore, raging headache, slight fever. It was awful. I had to go in and get things set for the show, and by the time I got home I could barely move. I tried to do some house work, but it got worse. I took an hour-long nap that felt like I had just blinked my eyes. I am not a nap person, but yesterday it couldn't be helped.

Then I had to work the show. I did okay hiding the fact I was sick, but I made some really stupid mistakes because all I could think about was how much my head hurt. The show went great, and I didn't pass out. I crashed as soon as I got home.

This morning is a little better. The headache is gone. I'm a little queasy but not overheating. I think I just really need some rest and recovery time. It's been a brutal month.

Today, I had planned on doing some abs and yoga, but I think it's going to be a full rest day instead. We have two shows today, so my time is very limited. I think I just need to take it easy and try to eat good, healthy food. Sometimes it's not about what's on your training plan. It's about listening to your body.

Week 3 should be better. Less stress and back to my usual routine...until we go on vacation...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Lesson Learned

Yesterday I learned a lesson - Never do leg day the day before TKD. Ow.

TKD class was okay. I struggled. I know that it's part of the process, but it's not easy. I was frustrated, but I do feel like I made some progress. That's what matters.

Today, I had to squeeze in a workout. Continuing with lifting and loving it.

Wednesday's Workout:

Bench press 75#  6 reps x 2
One-arm dumbbell row 15#  10 reps/side x 2

Barbell Row 75#  6 reps x 2
Chest Fly 15#db  8 reps x 2

T-bar row 30# + bar  8 reps / 10 reps
Push-ups level 3  10 reps / 15 reps

Short but sweet. Love feeling strong.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 2 Begins

Week 2 begins!!

Usually, I like to do longer workouts on the weekend, but my jump back into lifting made my legs incredibly sore. I walked Moon Dog and did yoga this weekend. I caught up on sleep, too. It was an energizing weekend.

Today, I wanted to focus on legs and do some heavy lifting. I also wanted to do abs and some cardio. It turned into an interesting workout.

Monday's Workout:

jump rope - 1 minute
standing cross crunches - 30 reps / side
squats 115# - 8 reps
*all exercises x 2

jump rope - 1 minute
choppers 10# - 12 reps / side
plie squats 115# - 8 reps
*all exercises x 2

jump rope - 1 minute
curtsy - 12 reps / side
squats 125# - 6 reps
*all exercises x 2

jump rope - 1 minute
swings 10# - 12 reps
alternating lunges - 20 reps
plie squats 125# - 6 reps
*all exercises x 2

It was a good workout. Lots of sweat. About halfway through the third set, I hit the point where I felt completely exhausted, and my muscles were shaking. It felt good to finish after hitting that point. It was hard work. I love lifting.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Epic Hike

Yesterday the Artist and I had another "epic adventure." He wanted to hike Jay Peak, and I was up for it. The weather was perfect, and we had a good hike. He set a good pace, and I was working to keep up.

This is what life is about.

My legs were feeling it this morning. My poor calves are destroyed. I took the Moon Dog for a walk, which helped a little. Luckily, today was back and shoulders day.

I focused on Barbell Rows and Dumbbell Shoulder Presses. I started with the bar. I wanted to go easy to start. Rows are not my strongest move. I kept the presses low weight / high rep.

Friday's Workout

Barbell Rows  //  Dumbbell Shoulder Presses
45# 12 reps          #10 15 reps
55# 12 reps          #10 15 reps
65# 10 reps          #10 15 reps
75# 8 reps            #10 15 reps
85# 4 reps            #10 15 reps

Not the hardest workout I've done this week, but I am feel great. I love how strong I feel when I lift. It's been a good week. Looking forward to the weekend and another week of getting strong.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Awesome Workout Week

And, the week of awesome workouts continues...

Yesterday, I had planned on dead lifts, but my legs were super sore from Monday's squats. I decided to go with bench press instead. Since I was so sore, I wanted the second exercise to be something gentle. I decided to work on my TKD patterns in between sets. It was a good choice. Not only did I get a lot of practicing done, but the movements loosened up my legs and made them feel better.

Tuesday's Workout:

Bench Press  //  Patterns
45# 12 reps       Won Hyo (current pattern) x 3
55# 12 reps       Chon Ji, Dan Gun, Do San, Won Hyo x 2 each *
65# 10 reps       Won Hyo x 3
75# 6 reps         Chon Ji, Dan Gun, Do San, Won Hyo x 2 each
85# 4 reps         Won Hyo x 3

*The first time I attempted Dan Gun and Do San, I completely forgot them. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that. Luckily, the Artist remembered Dan Gun and is currently working on Do San. He helped me remember.

With my legs still a little sore but feeling much better, I decided to go for a walk with the Artist. One of our "epic walks." We walked from our house into Enosburg on the Rail Trail. It was hot, but we brought water and snacks and took our time. We walked 6 miles!

I was feeling the walk when I got up this morning, but I really wanted to do dead lifts today. After running some errands, my legs loosened up, and I was ready. I paired them with biceps curls and triceps extensions. Lower weight/more reps.

I started light with the dead lifts. I do not want to hurt my back. I would much rather go a little light to start. I'll get back to where I used to be eventually.

Wednesday's Workout:

Dead Lifts  //  Biceps Curls/Triceps Extension
45# 12 reps *  10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
65# 12 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
75# 10 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
85# 10 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
95# 8 reps       10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
105# 6 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps
115# 4 reps     10# 10 reps / 10# 15 reps

*I used the bar for a warm-up set. I could have done more that 12 reps, but I wanted to save it for the heavier weights.

It was a great workout. I'm feeling really strong. Barbell rows and shoulders tomorrow!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Squats and Push-Ups and Patterns...Oh My!

Last week was a busy one. I got in a walk every day with the Moon Dog, but that was pretty much it. I did make it to TKD class, and that was great. No other major workouts, though.

This week I have a little more time and a little less stress. Yay! The Artist and I had planned on hiking, but the weather did not cooperate. Instead we did some strength training, and he threw in some TKD practice, too. We don't have class this week, so this was a great idea. I was really proud of him. He did a difficult workout and enjoyed himself.

I'm going to focus on lifting right now. I love it. It's my favorite. Why am I not focused on it already?

For now, I am going for consistency and finding a good weight to start from. I need to do heavy lifting, but it's been so long I don't know where my base is. I've been reading articles on this great site called Eat To Perform, and one was discussing the idea of doing a few basic movements and just going until you can't do anymore. Perfect way to start out and very helpful for finding my starting point.

Today was squats and push ups. I started with a weight I knew I could handle and went up in 10 pound increments from there. I did push ups in between and during my rest times I worked on my pattern. It ended up being a really great workout. Lifting makes me happy. I can tune out the world and just get it done. Love.

Here's my workout for today:

Squats  //  Push Ups (incline at various levels)

95# 8r  // 15r level1
105# 8r  //  15r level 2
115# 10r  // 10r level 3
125# 8r  //  10r level 3
135# 6r  //  12r level 2
145# 6r  //  15r level 1

Obviously, I could have done more, but my legs were wobbly and tired. Rather than push too far, I stopped at 145# and will use that as my jumping off point next time. Not bad for not going heavy in a long time.

Keeping it simple this week. Two exercises and working on my pattern. Hopefully we'll find time for another hike, too. Tomorrow I am thinking Dead Lifts and Chest Press/Flys.