Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Running With The Moon Dog

I woke up sore this morning. TKD was awesome last night. I definitely struggled. Sometimes my brain does not communicate with my body. I worked hard and was exhausted by the end of class. I've got some new things to work on, and I'm going to start working on my break for the tournament. My pattern went well. All the extra practice is paying off.

If I am being honest, I was not motivated last night. I felt ill and tired. I'd been busy all day, and I didn't really want to leave the house again. Still, I knew I would feel better if I went. I didn't feel great during the warm-up. I get lightheaded when I'm not feeling well, but it goes away after a little while. The rest of the class I felt fine, and it was a great stress reliever. So glad I went.

This morning I decided to run with the Moon Dog. It's been a long time since we did, but he loved it and got right back into the rhythm. I'm thrilled. I've been trying to fit more running into my weeks, but it's hard to carve out enough time most days. His walk is a priority. He needs daily exercise, too. This is the perfect solution.

Moon Dog is a great running buddy. He makes me push my pace, but he doesn't have much endurance, yet. We did intervals of walking and running. It was great, and I'm hoping we can go a little longer next time. We did 1.3 miles, and he was definitely slowing down at the end. Awesome new addition to my workout routine.

I also squeezed in a chest/back workout. I can't lift as heavy with my upper body, but I'm trying to go a little heavier. Build from there.

Today's Workout

bench press 75# 6 reps x2
db rows 15# 15 reps x2

db chest fly 15# 10 reps x2
barbell row 75# 8 reps x2

db chest press 15# 12 reps x2
t-bar rows 45# 10 reps x2

modified 1 arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side
modified 1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side
modified 1 arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side

I love a good lifting workout. My muscles are jello. Perfect start to another busy day.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekend Workouts and Hyperparathyroidism

I had a busy, but good weekend.

On Saturday, the kids had soccer in the morning. Then I fit in a quick workout before an awesome date night with Andy.

Saturday's Workout

Dead lifts 115#  6 reps x2
push-ups level 1  25 reps

Dead lifts 125#  5 reps x2
modified 1 arm push-ups 10 reps/side  x2

Dead lifts 135#  4 reps x2
push-ups level 2  25 reps

Dead lifts 145#  3 reps x2
modified 1 arm push-ups 10 reps/side x2

It was a good workout and very much needed. So was our date night. Andy had the opportunity to meet and interview Ben Folds. We also got to watch sound check and his amazing show. Such a great night.

Yesterday, the weather was amazing. I went for a run. Lately, I've been running for time. I went for an hour and did just over 4 miles. Not very fast, but much faster than I've been doing. I had a difficult start. My legs were heavy from the dead lifts and not getting enough sleep. I had to walk occasionally until I warmed up, but after I did, I felt great. I have not been running as much lately, and I miss it.

Today is off to a rough start. I've got a packed schedule, but I'm feeling really terrible. Several months ago, I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism (try saying that 3x fast...) The parathyroid is four rice-sized glands on the thyroid. They control calcium levels in the body. One of mine has a growth that is causing it to malfunction. It's pulling too much calcium out of my bones, so I have high levels of calcium in my blood. Luckily, it is fixable. I just need to wait until I can finally get into the endocrinologist. I will most likely have to have surgery to remove it. Fun stuff.

It is nice to know what's going on. I had been struggling with periods of feeling awful. Nauseous, weak, dizzy, and fatigued. Symptoms that could be many things. I went to a couple doctors who basically told me I was making it up or just too obese and out of shape (so fun to be big and have to go to the doctor). The thing is, I avoid going to the doctor unless something is really, really wrong. Not the smartest choice, but I prefer to tough it out if I can.

Which makes it really difficult to go and be told I am a hypochondriac.

I got a new doctor, and she immediately tested my thyroid. Everything came back normal - except my parathyroid.

So, now I wait. I hate waiting. I'm doing what I can for now. Taking in calcium and vitamin D. Lifting weights to help build my bone strength. Drinking lots of water. Staying hydrated has been essential. When I am drinking enough, I have less periods of fatigue and nausea.

Yesterday, I did not drink enough, and I ran. So, I am paying for it today. Still, it's nice to know why I feel so badly. That's a start. I can't wait until I start feeling better.

I have TKD tonight. That's always rough when I'm feeling bad. I get really dizzy and lightheaded. I'm going to chug the H2O and hope I am feeling better by this evening. Still, I am looking forward to class tonight. It's such a great stress reliever and one of my favorite things to do. I wish I could go more than once a week.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Keeping Busy And Still Exercising

It's been a week since I last wrote. It has been an insane week. Lots of events coming up at work, kids have started soccer, I'm working on two shows and starting another, and I am working hard at finishing my next book.

I'll admit, it has made it difficult to fit in exercise, but I am committed to staying on the list. So, here's a recap.

First of all, the Moon Dog and I have been walking every day. It's a nice, peaceful part of my day, and I know he loves it, too.

Saturday, I was still feeling exhausted, so I took the day off.

Sunday, I was pressed for time, but I wanted to do something.

jump rope 1minute  x 2
hook kicks, without dropping my knee  20/side  x 2

jump rope 1 minute x 2
door swings 15/side x 2

jump rope 1 minute x 2
side dumbbell crunches 15#  15/side  x 2

one leg step ups  10/side  x 2
modified 1 arm push ups level 2  10/side x 2

level 1 25 reps
level 2  15 reps
level 3  15 reps
level 2  15 reps
level 1  15 reps

On Monday, I had TKD. It was a good class. I worked hard. I don't feel like I did particularly well on anything, but my pattern went pretty well. I've been practicing, and it's all starting to click.

On Tuesday, I was super sore from class. My feet hurt when I first woke up. I do not want my plantar fasciitis to come back. Stretching was the only option. I did 25 minutes of yoga. It felt great and made my feet feel better.

Wednesday was a busy day. I did do some incline push-ups and modified one arm push-ups. I'm still committed to my one arm push-up goal. I already feel stronger, and I'm noticing improvement in my regular push-ups as well.

Thursday's workout was awesome. It was just what I needed at the start of a stressful day.

Squats 45# 10 reps
Won Hyo x 2

Squats 155# 6 reps x2
push-ups level 1  25 reps x 2

Won Hyo x 2

Plie squats 155# 6 reps  x 2
modified 1 arm push ups level 1  10 reps/side x 2

Won Hyo x 2

Lunges with barbell 135# 5 reps/side  x 2
modified 1 arm push ups level 2  10 reps/side  x 2

Won Hyo x 2

I love a good strength workout. Nothing like feeling completely weak to make you feel strong.

Today, I did a HIIT workout. Lots of cardio and abs. It was a good workout and got my heart rate up almost immediately.

This weekend is another busy one, but I really want to get in a longer run. I've missed running and need to commit to running more consistently.

No matter what I will do something active. I'm staying on the list!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Anything Is Better Than Nothing

Yesterday, I took the Moon Dog for a walk and then went for an awesome hike up Jay Peak with my dad. The weather was perfect. Cool and sunny. The leave are just starting to change. Fall is coming. I can't wait.

The top of the mountain was sunny and warm and surprisingly not windy. My dad have never been up there. It's one of my favorites. We had a great hike, and it was a great workout.

Today, I was exhausted. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and I felt wiped out all morning. I took Moon Dog for a walk, but it didn't help energize me. I ended up taking an hour-long nap. I guess I needed it. I felt groggy when I woke up, but I still wanted to get in a workout.

Staying on the list!

It was not my best workout, but anything is better than nothing. I did an easy workout and focused on my upper body.

Friday's Workout

chest presses 15#db  12 reps x 2
db rows #15  10 reps x 2
barbell shoulder press #45  10 reps x 2

chest fly #15db  12 reps x 2
front rows #15db  10 reps x 2
biceps curls #15db  8 reps x 2

modified 1 arm push-ups  level 2  10 reps/side  x 2
overhead triceps extensions #15db  15 reps  x 2
lateral raises #10db  10 reps  x 2

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Endorphins Make Me Happy

Today's another busy day. Once I step out the door, I am going until about 9pm. The day didn't start well. New issues to deal with and problems to fix. The original plan was to walk Moon Dog and go for a run before my day got crazy, but it started raining. Plus, my arms and legs are aching from yesterday's workout. Lots of reasons to skip my workout and take a rest day.

But, I'm committed to staying on the list. I put off the stressing and jumped on the treadmill. I can never stay on the treadmill for long. It drives me nuts. Still, anything is better than nothing. I decided to do a speed workout. I'm not as speedy as I used to be, but it was a good workout.

Wednesday's workout:

30 minutes on treadmill - walk/run intervals

It's amazing what a quick workout can do. Feeling much calmer and off to take on the day.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sore...So Very Sore...

My legs are going to hate me tomorrow.

Let me back up to yesterday. After my morning walk with the Moon Dog, I wanted to workout, but I didn't want to do anything too intense. I had TKD in the evening, and after two weeks off, I knew it was going to be brutal. So, I decided to do yoga.

I did my own routine. It lasted about 30 minutes. I included some planks, sit ups, and hip/glute exercises. It was a good workout, and I felt much looser and more relaxed.

Then I went to TKD.

Let's just say, the hip/glute exercises were a poor choice.

Class was great. I feel like I learned a lot of helpful information. Of course getting my body to comprehend it takes longer. I understand the concepts, but I didn't execute it very well. Something to work on.

Then we worked on hook kicks without dropping the chamber. It worked the exact same hip/glute area, and it was painful. I haven't had my muscles burn like that in a long time.

I could feel it this morning. A lot. The stairs were a challenge. Things eased up a little after my walk with Moon Dog. I decided to take advantage of my looser muscles and do a good workout.

Tuesday's Workout:

Dead lifts  115#  6 reps
Push-ups level 1  25 reps

Dead lifts  125#  5 reps
Modified 1- arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side

Dead lifts  135#  4 reps
Push-ups level 2  15 reps

Squats  135#  6 reps
Modified 1-arm push-ups level 2  8 reps/side

Squats  145#  5 reps
Push-ups level 3  15 reps

Squats  155#  6 reps
Modified 1-arm push-ups level 1  25 reps

Squats  165#  5 reps
Push-ups level 1  25 reps

It was a long workout. My legs were a little stiff and sore to start, but after I warmed up I felt like I could push it a little more. It was a great workout. I felt really strong.

Of course, now the soreness is really setting in. Let's hope I can walk by the end of the day.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I Need To Go For A Run

Yesterday was a rough day. Everything I attempted to do did not go well. It was a busy, frustrating day. All I kept thinking was, "I need to go for a run." But, as the day slipped by, I felt myself losing motivation. It was a battle between my tired/lazy brain and trying to keep myself "on the list."

It took until around 6:30pm, but I finally stepped outside and went for a run. It was windy. So very windy. It was warm, but there was a storm coming. The air was heavy, and the clouds were pretty dark.

It wasn't the best run, but I felt good having some time to myself. I zoned out and just enjoyed it. It was nice not to think about anything for a while. I was happy when I got home because I had gotten it done.

This morning I got up super early to go hiking, but there was an epic thunder and lightning storm. No hiking today. I'm pretty sore from the last couple days, and the rest of the day was busy. Today's a rest day. I have TKD tomorrow - perfect start to a new week of workouts.

Doing my best to stay on the list.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Staying On The List

Some days are so busy that I feel like I should skip my workout to free up some time, but I'm focused on getting back on track. Putting myself on the list. I know I am a better parent and wife (and human being) when I am taking care of myself, and I've been neglecting my wellbeing for too long.

Today, I am sticking to things that make me happy. Morning walk with the Moon Dog and lifting.

Friday's workout

bench press 75#  8 reps  x 2
dumbbell rows 15#  12 reps  x 2
biceps curls  15#db  8 reps  x 2

chest fly 15#db  12 reps  x 2
barbell row 75#  8 reps  x 2
overhead triceps 15#  12 reps  x 2

modified 1 arm push-ups level 1  8 reps/side  x 2
barbell shoulder press 45#  10 reps  x 2
dumbbell side crunches 15#db  15 reps  x 2

I love lifting. Feeling ready for the rest of the day!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

I Am So Lucky

I am so lucky. My ankle is healing quickly. Certain movements still make it twinge, but it's holding up well. I've been testing it. Coming back from an injury always makes me nervous. With the run, it was the first few steps that worried me. Once I'd run a little, I relaxed and really enjoyed it.

On Monday I decided to try hiking. We did a short, easy hike that was new to us. Family hikes are one of my absolute favorite things. We had so much fun. The kids have been finding new places to practice TKD, and the wide trail and a gigantic boulder were perfect. The Artist practiced Do San on the big rock, and the Bean practiced her bo staff pattern with a long stick.

It was a nice, easy hike. The weather was perfect. It was two miles out and back. My ankle held up until we were on our way down. It didn't give out, but it ached. I had to go slow and focus on stepping lightly. It hurt for a little while after we were done, but it didn't swell any more and felt better after about an hour. I was worried it would hurt the next morning, but it was fine.

Did I mention how lucky I am?

Yesterday, I didn't feel great, so I rested. My legs were a little sore from the hike, but it was not too bad. I didn't miss many workouts, but on the days when I couldn't walk at all, I was convinced that I was losing strength. The mind is always the biggest obstacle.

This morning, Moon Dog and I went for our usual walk. I also got in a strength workout. It was unnerving. I haven't lifted anything heavy since I hurt myself. I dropped the weight down a little bit, and I did a shorter workout. The first rep was terrifying. After my ankle held, I had an awesome workout.

Thursday's Workout

Squats  135#  6 reps x 2
Push-ups level 3  15 reps x 2
Won Hyo x 4

Plie squats  135#  6 reps  x 2
Push-ups level 2  15 reps x 2
Won Hyo x 4  (*felt a twinge in my ankle and decided to shorten my workout)

Dead lifts  115#  5 reps x 2
Modified one-arm push-ups level 1  8 reps/side x 2
Chon Gi, Dan Gun, Do San, & Won Hyo  x 2

I've set a new goal. It's simple but will also take consistent effort to achieve it. Perfect for my super busy life. The big, final goal is to be able to do a full one-armed push-up on the floor (both sides). I am breaking this into smaller goals. The first is to be able to do a full rep on level one*. I plan to achieve this by doing daily reps (as far down as I can go). After I achieve that, I will move on to level 2, level 3, and finally the floor.

*When I worked with a trainer, she had me do push-ups on various levels using the bar that holds up the back of the bench. My bench at home has three levels. Level one is the highest setting - the easiest one to do push-ups on. Level three is almost floor level. It's still one of my absolute favorite exercises. My favorite thing to do is max. reps at each level 1, 2, 3, 2, 1. Nothing feels the way my arms do after that.

This workout was one of the last tests for my ankle. I'm feeling a lot more confident. TKD will be the last test, but I think it will be okay. I'm going to be really careful about any twisting motions, but it should be fine. I'm so excited to get back to regular training. I need that daily dose of endorphins. I'm ready to get my strength back.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Little Progress - Slow And Steady

Making progress - slowly but surely.

Yesterday, Moon Dog and I walked almost 2 miles, and my ankle felt fine. I was excited. Every little bit of progress counts. I have been feeling a little on edge from not being able to exercise. It felt great to be outside and moving.

The weather has been amazing. I really wanted to run this morning, but I was a little concerned about how it would go. It took a little while to convince myself to go, but I did. I went really slow and walked if things started to twinge. I ran 2.7 miles with only two brief walking breaks, and I even powered up a hill near the end.

It felt so great. The sun was shining, and it was a cool, beautiful morning. I got into a good rhythm quickly, and I felt strong. When I pushed it up the hill, I focused on my form and remembered why I used to love running hills.

I had to change my thinking. Lately, I've faced hills with dread. Something to struggle over. I felt weak at the thought of the effort it would take. Today, I felt good. I felt energized until I got to the hill. As I got near it, I started walking. Not because I needed to. Then I decided to power up the hill like I used to. I fixed my form, my pace increased, and I got up it and still felt strong. It was nice to feel that way again. In addition to consistency, I am going to focus on my thoughts - before, during, and after my runs.

The ankle is a little sore but not too bad. I'm going to try some yoga later. Limping has caused my muscles to get really tight. I need to loosen up.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Set Backs

Ah, setbacks. They happen to all of us, and if you're like me, they happen when everything is finally going well. I came back from vacation, had another great week of workouts, and finished the week with a swimming/patterns workout at a lake. Patterns practice in water = so much fun.

Then Saturday morning, I woke up ready to run. I've had a new pair of running shoes sitting and waiting for me to break them in. I was excited to get out there.

But, first I needed to walk the Moon Dog. We have great walks most mornings, and it's a great warm-up for running.

Let's just say, I didn't get to the run. Moon wanted to play with a loose dog. He pulled. I was standing on broken pavement. My ankle rolled. Bad. I was on my knees in the gravel. Moon was running down the trail. I wasn't sure I could stand.

I managed to stand, limped to my car, and called Andy. Then Moon Dog came back, and I got him into the car. My ankle swelled really quickly. By the time Andy picked me up, it was the size of a softball.

I was upset. I hate being injured. I hate not being 100%. I couldn't do anything for several days, and I was frustrated. I definitely had a pity party for myself. Tuesday was the worst because I had to miss TKD. We have no class next week. I am hopeful that I will be able to go back for the next class.

It's getting better. Wednesday, I was able to walk on it for a bit. Yesterday, I managed a .6 mile walk with Moon Dog. Today we bumped it up to 1.3 miles. It's a little sore, but otherwise not too bad.

I took several days off. I did a little swimming, which hurt a little but was nice because I could stay off my foot. Wednesday, I did an upper body workout. I couldn't do anything really heavy, but it was nice to be moving again. Yesterday and today have just been walking. I'm trying to ease back into exercise, and not do too much too soon. So far so good.

I think the hardest thing about set backs is dealing with my head. Logically, I know that a few days (or even a week) off is not a big deal. I'm not losing any strength. I know I need to rest and let it heal. I know it will be worse if I do too much and re-injure myself.

But, even knowing all of this, I was still pretty down for several days. I have to keep reminding myself that it will be okay. I can still be active. It just takes a little more planning. It's not easy, but it could be much worse. I'm just glad it's healing quickly.