Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Snow Shoeing And Leg Day

It snowed yesterday. First real snow of the season, and I am so excited. Snow = Snow Shoeing, which is absolutely my favorite winter activity. I didn't have many opportunities to go last winter, so I am hoping for lots of snow this year!

Yesterday, I took Moon Dog and the kids for a walk in the field behind our house. We won't have use of the Rail Trail all winter, so this will probably become a regular thing. It had just started snowing, so we just went in our boots. Moon Dog is probably more excited about the snow than the kids are. He was so happy diving head first into it. So cute.

The kids and I also did a TKD circuit workout. We're all missing TKD this week due to the school vacation, so we decided to practice on our own. It was a lot of fun and a good workout. The kids don't mess around!

This morning I broke out the snow shoes and went for a 20 minute walk around the field. The snow wasn't super deep, but I was still glad I had my snow shoes on. I am definitely out of practice. My hip flexors were burning. It'll probably take a couple more tries before that gets better. I really enjoyed being out there, even with the burning muscles. I love exercising in the cold.

I also completed W1/D2 of the lifting program. Leg day! I always love a good leg day, and this one was a good one. Medium weight and only four exercises, but I got close to failure on every single exercise. Exactly what I want to do right now.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 1 - Again

New week. New start.

I'm starting up a lifting plan. I've used this plan before and loved it. Each session lasts about 35 minutes and consists of four exercises. I'm not going to list any details here because it's not my plan, but it is effective. I really enjoyed W1/Day 1, and I am looking forward to consistent lifting.

I like using a plan designed by someone else. I like being told what to do each day and just doing it. It provides consistency. Something I definitely need. I'll be throwing in other workouts, too. Running, Taekwondo, and Yoga. I need to keep trying.

Today, I walked on the treadmill and changed up the incline. It was a good half hour. I'm not feeling great today, so that was enough.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lifting Is Happiness

It's been a week since I posted. A long, emotional week. I've been focused on kindness, gratitude, and love. The world needs more of it, and I'm really trying to stay positive. I'm still not feeling great, but I'm trying not to think about it. It is what it is and thinking about it just makes me feel worse.

I'm accepting my limitations and doing what I can. My main goal right now is to stay active. Last week was rough. I had several days of just walking with the Moon Dog. I have been on an exercise streak since Saturday, so things are going better.

Saturday's workout:

single leg dead lifts 15#db  8reps/side x2
standing rows w/ exercise band 15 reps x2

biceps curls/ overhead press 15#db  8 reps x2
standing chest press w/ band 15 reps x2

overhead triceps extension 15#db  15 reps x2
standing chest fly w/ band 15 reps x2

hammer curls/lateral raises 5#db 15 reps x2
triangle push ups 10 reps x2

Sunday's workouts

superman lifts 1:00 minute x2
1 arm push ups on floor 5 regular/5 modified per side  x2

plank (high/forearm) 1:00  x2
swimming 1:00  x2

twisting supermans 1:00  x2
serratus sway 1:00  x2

double bicycles 1:00  x2
serratus twists 1:00  x2

*Plus a Run/walk with the Artists (aka my favorite running buddy) 2 miles

Monday's workouts

I did a longer walk with the Moon Dog yesterday. It was a gorgeous day, and it was nice to clear my head on a very stressful day.
I also had TKD last night. I have to admit, I wasn't feeling it before class. I was tired and stressed out and not feeling very good. Getting out the door was a struggle, but I made myself go. I hate missing class, and I knew I would feel better if I went. It ended up being really great. The whole class was on nunchucks, and it was so fun. I felt 1000 times better after class.

Tuesday's workout

squats 115# 8 reps
alternating turning kicks 40 reps
squats 135# 8 reps
back kicks 10 reps/side

plie squats 115# 8 reps
hook kicks 10 reps/side
plie squats 135# 8 reps
360 hook kicks 12 reps/side (right side was okay but left was a struggle - did not go well)

lunges 115# 6 reps/side
side kicks 10 reps/side
lunges 135# 8 reps/side
punches 100 reps

Won Hyo x6

I love lifting. It makes me feel strong even when I struggle, and it makes me happy. I'm definitely focusing on what makes me happy right now, so lifting is a big part of the plan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Focus On The Good

Yesterday was a bust. I had the appointment I've been waiting 5 months for, and there was no progress. She couldn't see my parathyroid with the ultrasound, so I had to redo my blood work. If my levels are still high, they'll do a different test. To say I am frustrated is a huge understatement. I've been hoping for a quick fix. I should have known better. There's never a quick fix. I'm just sick of waiting.

My labs came back this morning, and (surprise, surprise) my calcium levels are higher than before. Fingers crossed I don't have to wait for months for the next step.

I was not in a great place yesterday, but there were two highlights. I'm trying to focus on the good. The first good thing was I got another review on my last book, and it was a positive one. Yay!

The second one was TKD. I didn't feel great during the warm-up, but the rest of it went pretty well. I can feel the benefits from practicing on my own. I felt stronger. There were definitely things that I need to work on. There always are, but overall I felt pretty good. Plus, I got to chat with Michelle after and vent some frustration.

So, my setback actually helped snap me out of the funk I've been in. I let negative thinking take over for a while. Knowing that I have to wait and deal with this thing helped me accept it. I'm feeling a lot more determined to push through. I'm going to keep taking calcium/Vitamin D, drinking lots of water, and lift. Got to keep my bones strong.

Tuesday's workout:

Squats - body weight 25 reps x2
Squats 115#  8 reps x2

Plie squats - body weight 15 reps x2
Plie squats 115#  10 reps x2

Calf raises - body weight  20 reps x2
Calf raises 115#  12 reps x2

Push-ups level 1  25 reps
1 arm push-ups level 1  10 reps/side

Push-ups level 2  15 reps
1 arm push-ups level 2  10 reps/side

Push-ups level 3  15 reps
1 arm push-ups level 3  10 reps/side

This workout was tough. I definitely struggled, but I got through it. My first set was almost the end of the workout. After my first set of squats, I got a cramp in my hamstring. I took some time and stretched until it let go. I really wanted to finish the workout.

I had planned to do dead lifts, but with my sore hamstring I decided to do push-ups instead. Again, I struggled more than usual, but I'm glad I did it.

My hamstring is still pretty sore, so I'm going to do some yoga later. I need a good stretch.

I'm not feeling great, but at least I got it done. One day at a time.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Walking and Accepting

Lots of walking this weekend. Yesterday, I felt pretty bad, but I had made a promise to the Artist that I would run with him. I want to keep supporting his new love of running, so I sucked it up and went. We walked a little. We did some longer sections of slower running as well as some shorter sprints. I felt awful after each one, but I didn't let on. He was thrilled and had so much fun. I love running with him.

Today, I went for a long walk with my awesome friend, Michelle. It was nice to have someone to talk to about what I mess I have been lately and laugh. We always have so much fun on our walks. Certain people make me happier just being around them, and she is definitely one of them.

We did about 5.5 miles. I was achy when I was done, but I still managed to do another mile with the Moon Dog when I got home. It may not feel great to exercise right now, but emotionally it is necessary. I can't stand not being active.

I'm really trying to slow down and accept that this is what I can do right now. It's frustrating, but I know it's necessary. I've been doing too much for too long. My body's finally making me slow down. I need to listen.

Friday, November 4, 2016

A Better Day

This week has been rough. I haven't been posting because I try to keep my blog positive, and lately I've felt like I've been taken over by an exhausted, angry stranger. Physically, I have not been feel good. If I'm being honest, I haven't felt this bad since I was at my heaviest and smoking, and even then I could do more than I can lately. I feel like crap. Which means I haven't been exercising. Which means I'm not feeling good emotionally either.

My appointment with the endocrinologist is next week, and I am hoping for answers and less of a wait before the next step. I want this fixed as soon as possible. I hate feeling like this, but I'm trying to stay positive. As I've been reminded by several well-meaning people, I am lucky that it's fixable. I know I'm lucky. I know it could be much worse. Knowing that doesn't make it easier when I feel terrible and am too exhausted to do simple, everyday tasks. It doesn't keep me from feeling incredibly frustrated and embarrassed. I miss feeling energetic.

I'm nervous about my appointment and have been unsuccessfully trying to not focus on it. I've been struggling to relax. I store my stress in my shoulders and had a tension headache that lasted 6 days. Wednesday helped a lot. Andy got us tickets to see Rent, and we had a great night out. The show was amazing, and it was exactly what I needed. I also got to spend time with my mom who came up to watch the kids. It was nice to be able to talk about everything with her.

I'm feeling slightly better today and more positive. Whenever I feel a little better, I make sure to get in a workout because some days I feel too exhausted to move. I'm grateful for the Moon Dog because he makes sure I get out and at least walk every day. I can't let down my pooch.

Today's workout was pretty good (for where I'm at now). I didn't do as much as I used to be able to, and I moved slow. Still, something is better than nothing.

Friday's workout:

Won Hyo x6
incline push-ups 25 reps x2
chamber holds 30 sec./side x2

Chun Gi/ Dan Gun x2
1 arm incline push-ups 10 reps/side x2
side kicks 10 reps/side w/brief hold while extended x2

Do San/Won Hyo x2
incline push-ups 25 reps x2
hook kicks (with dropping knee) 10 reps/side x2

Won Hyo x6
modified 1 arm push-ups (flat) 10 reps/side x2
side kick/hook kick (without dropping) 10 reps/side x2

It was a good workout. Tougher than it should have been, but it was good. I sweated and felt better after I was done. Moon Dog and I also went for a longer walk than usual this morning, so I've got some endorphins going today.

It's a good day.