Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Speedy and Healthy - Half Marathon Training Week 2

Yesterday was a bust. It was one of those days when nothing goes right. I managed a 40 minute upper body workout. Mostly dead lifts and push-ups. When I'm having a bad day, that's my go-to workout. Two of my favorite exercises and the most reward for a short workout. I felt a little better after working out, but I didn't push it. Just wasn't feeling it.

The day ended on a good note. We had a great rehearsal for the musical. We added the pit band, which is one of my favorites. It adds so much to the show. I'm getting really excited. It's going to be great.

I was determined that today would be better. I had a 3 mile easy run with 2 strides on my training schedule, but things didn't go according to plan. I slept through my first alarm. I heard the second one, but by that time I didn't have time to run. Too bad because the weather was cool and perfect. I had to get creative.

I took the kids to their school's soccer field and did speed work while they played. It was rough. The sun came out, and it was hot. I haven't done outdoor speed work in a long time. It was hard, but it also reminded me of how I used to feel. Sprinting on a field used to be one of my favorite things, and even though I was gasping for breath and my heart was hammering in my chest, it felt great to be out there again. I'd like to start going there once a week. The kids had fun playing, and I got in a great workout.

I didn't get in the mileage on my plan. It was about 1.10 miles altogether. Thursday was supposed to be speed work, so I'm just going to swap them. I'm not stressing about it. I already feel so much better after two runs and consistent exercise. Plus, I've been eating healthy foods and making sure I am drinking enough water. It makes such a difference.

I'm happy with how I'm doing, and I'm going to stay focused throughout the next two weeks. It's going to be stressful, but running and eating right will help me manage.

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