Saturday, June 23, 2018

First Long Run In A Long Time

Today was my first long run in a long, long time. It was 5 miles, which doesn't seem like much compared to where I was before, but this has been my biggest lesson since I started running again. I cannot compare myself now to who I was then. They're two totally different people.

All I can do is try to improve from where I am now. I've had a pretty good week. I've done some heavier lifting, which I love and haven't done in a while.

I've also been running. My summer goal is to run more and be more consistent. I found a plan that I like that also includes lifting. I was going to start it in July because this month has been all about home improvement projects, and I have to teach theatre camp next week.

I realized yesterday that, without meaning to, I have already been following the plan. I did an upper body workout and then took two rest days. There was only one in the plan, but that's okay. I did an awesome morning run, which was my fastest in a long time. It was supposed to be a tempo run, so that works. Yesterday was an easy run, which I did when I ran with my girl. She has just started the c25k app, so it was a nice, easy interval workout.

Today was my long run. Honestly, the first three miles sucked. My feet were cramping, and my calves were really tight. I did a lot of walk/run intervals and walked more than I wanted. I almost quit a couple of times. It switched to a mental training day, but I managed to push through. My legs finally loosened up around mile three, and the last two miles felt pretty good.

The first hill almost made me quit.

It was such a beautiful morning, and I am so glad that I pushed on for the whole 5 miles. First long run is complete, and I can only get better from here!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Father's Day Hike

Yesterday my whole family went on an awesome hike up Burnt Mountain. We said our last goodbyes to Dad on his favorite mountain, rocked out to some of his favorite songs, and toasted him with his favorite beer. He would have loved it.

My dad taught me a lot of things. Too many to list. He was the one who first introduced me to weight lifting. He taught me to appreciate being alone in the wilderness. We shared some really great hikes together. He is at the root of a lot of my favorite things. I miss him so much. I'm really glad we could celebrate him in such a perfect way. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful time with family.

I love these people so much.

Photos by Dori Baker & Dave Boucher

Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Good Sweat.

Today was a weights day! It's raining and gloomy outside. It's the perfect time to go back to my happy place. 

I haven't been lifting as often. I am focused on cardio - running, hiking, walking, biking, swimming - this summer. I spent the last two years only able to lift. I needed a break and time to do all the things I haven't been able to do. Still, lifting is my absolute favorite. I did some supersets and got a good sweat, too. Now, I'm enjoying the post-lifting feeling. The. Best.

Speaking of a good sweat, I am starting a personal weekly challenge. I meant to write about it earlier, but I got distracted by my awesome solo hike. In TKD we do a descending ladder workout that they call terminators. Jumping jacks, push ups, and sit ups - 10 reps down to 1 rep. For the summer, I am going to do terminators once a week and time it. I'm hoping to beat my time every week. 

Attempt One:

Honestly, I didn't push the pace on this one. I just wanted to get through it. Still worked up a good sweat. Nice quick workout and a great start to my week. Bring on the Summer of Sweat!

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Yesterday was awesome. I did my first solo hike and ended up having the mountain to myself. I didn't see anyone else until I was on my way back down. The weather was perfect. It was super windy at the top, but it was refreshing.

I'm not saying that the answer to life's problems are on the top of a mountain, but ...

It was a tough hike. I was definitely tired and a bit sore. It was not all pretty, but I pushed myself. I felt really accomplished when I got to the top. Not because I completed it. I've done that hike quite a few times. I was proud that I'd gone alone. I've never done a solo hike. I've always been too scared. I've been letting fear keep me from a lot of things. I'm done with that now.

I'm so glad I went. I'll definitely go again.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Rough Start, Good Finish

It's been a rough few days. Some days are just harder than others. When Andy suggested a run yesterday, I really didn't want to go. I was tired. I was emotional. I was feeling lazy. But, remembering my manta "Because I Can", I went. It was a perfect evening for a run, and I didn't have any good reasons to skip it.

The beginning was rough. My shins and calves burned. I thought of a million reasons to stop. I did stop for a little while. I allowed myself to walk to the paved section. Then I ran the rest. I was using the couch to 5k app and ran a little extra at the end to make up for walking. I ran for 25 minutes without stopping. Slow, but I did it. Once I got past my negative thinking the run went pretty well, and I felt good when it was over. I need to run more consistently. It makes me happy.

On Saturday the whole family is participating in a 5k fun run/walk/bike. The girl and I are running together, and we've made a plan. We're going to do intervals for the whole thing. I'm excited. It should be a lot of fun, and I'm glad I get to share it with my girl. We 're going to be sporting some very bright ReRunning Podcast shirts.

I love them!

The whole family will be podcasting about our first family race, and it will be available at the ReRunning Podcast Relaunch - June 21st!