Thursday, April 28, 2016

3 Weeks...And Counting

It's been a while since I posted anything. I had a great week following the tournament. I was feeling good, eating well, and working out regularly. It was perfection.

Then I got sick. Fever, sore throat, congestion in my lungs. And, it lasted for 3 weeks...and counting. I've still got the remnants of it.

It set me back. A lot. The first week I had no energy. It was all I could do to get out of bed in the morning and get through my day. I've been trying to keep up with my running, but honestly, most of them have ended up being walks. I got in the mileage, but I walked about 80%. A mile is a mile, right?

This past weekend I was feeling pretty run down. There are other factors, but not being able to breathe is really getting to me. The Bean and I went for a run/mostly walk for 5 miles. This was a fun replacement for my long run. I didn't get the mileage, but I got lots of great mom/daughter time. Nothing better than that.

Love this crazy kid

Monday was a rough day for everyone. I was feeling really run down and decided to skip TKD. I hate missing class, and this was two in a row because of school vacation. I'm planning to make up at least some of it with a TKD inspired workout today.

Tuesday was a little better. My lungs still felt bad, but I got in some miles. I started the day with a 3 mile walk with some of my favorite ladies. Later, I didn't have a car but still wanted to watch my kids' TKD class, so I ran/walked the 5+ uphill miles to the school. I got a little more running in, but it was mostly a walk. Still, a mile is a mile. 8 total for Tuesday.

Yesterday was a busy day. I took the Moon Dog for a walk, but that was my only exercise. I also had a not so great eating day. Wednesday was a bust.

I feel like I am finally on the end of this sickness. I actually slept last night, and I am feeling much more energetic. My lungs are feeling better today, too. Woo-hoo! Just in time for my 12 mile run this weekend! I still have a month until the half marathon, so I'm feeling okay. I've got a little time to train.

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